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Dry soaping

The act of bathing using only soap and no water.

I'm allergic to shower water so I have to resort to dry soaping.

by THAT_ECHHH December 7, 2018

Soap cock

When you take a shower, and soap drips into your dick hole.

Henry: bro my peepee is burning!

Kyle: make sure not to piss my nigga, it’ll make it burn worse

Soap cock

by Gaynigga183 March 22, 2019

Soap balls

When a man has recently took a shower and didn’t rinse off the soap and dried his balls then you go and preform oral and all you smell is soap usually Irish spring

Man Kyle has soap balls like crazy still taste decent tho.

by GothSilentBob June 23, 2019

Barbecue soap

When you drop the soap in the shower so the person puts barbecue sauce on his penis

Oops I dropped the soap” well get ready for some barbecue soap

by Random words that make me die November 16, 2018

Soap dropper

Person who intestinally bends over in front of you

Requesh: *bends over* Garnom: wtf bro stop being a soap dropper

by Mike Hamol September 7, 2021

Pink Soap

Bulk liquid soap that comes in 5 or 20 Liter drums.

Pink soap is a bulk soap usually found in cleaning supply stores.

by Kid with assburgars December 2, 2022

Soap Treatment

When a girl pours an absurd amount of a very sparkly, strong smelling hand sanitizer onto a guys hands. This forces him to rub and rub until his hands are squeaky clean, shiny, and the room smells like roses and lilac. (This kind gesture can be used as a way to tell a guy that he is dirty and needs to clean himself or he is making her uncomfortable and needs to back off or just to annoy him.)

Omg this drunk guy kept on putting his hand on my thigh so I gave him the soap treatment and he left me alone!

Dude why do you smell so fruity; did a girl give you the soap treatment?

by coolrickk83 July 17, 2020