Getting paid or coming into a large amount of money whether by legal or nefarious means.
"Yo man I just got my pimp stack today so we're going out tonight !"
When you're a really funny stand-up comedian and you have to pause for many consecutive laugh breaks.
Wow, that comedian is funny! He has been stacking breaks all night.
Verb; When two people touch their butt-holes together in a scissor-like method.
Bill and Annie wanted to try new things in their relationship so tired gasket stacking.
Stephanie and Julie where scissoring and accidentally stacked gaskets.
Involving no less than three homosexuals sitting on one an others lap in homosexual intercourse.
"Boy John! Did you enjoy our pickle stack last night with Ray?" or
I just saw this gay orgy video where the gays picklestacked each other.
A Tim Stack is when you stack all of your Tim Horton's coffee cups, so that they take up less space in the garbage can.
This normally takes place in a classroom or office setting, where many people have to share the same garbage.
A Tim Stack will mainly be found in Canada, however they have been spotted in other countries under another other alias;
Starbuck Stack
Teacher: Hey class, can we start a Tim Stack in the back there? The garbage is beginning to overflow.
The act of taking excessive amounts of napkins/toilet paper/tissue while only using a minimal amount of it. The rest of the stack does not generally go to waste as the left over napkins/toilet paper/tissue stays on the table that was used by the person/perpetrator of said stack.
Man, check out this Chinese stack on the table!
When you go to more than one concert in a 7 day period.
Dude, I'm Concert Stacking Depeche Mode and Spiritualized in September. Best week ever.