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Paul Stanley Green

Known flat earth Internet troll β€œAlfie Green”. Lives in Christchurch, NZ. He is a known pedophile and a cunt. Fuck that guy.

Geoff: Hey guys did you hear? Paul Stanley Green got arrested for child pornography again. Roberto: Yup, no surprise there. He’s one sick POS.

by YankBastard69 January 7, 2019

Stanley Steamer 2.0

When a revolting, repellent, repulsive, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, stomach-churning dump is eradicated from the body of a male of greater than or equal to 74 inches tall while a female is taking a hot and steamy shower. This must occur while in Stanley Idaho and in a bathroom without ventilation.

Dana just Stanley Steamer 2.0'd Emily... I hope she can come out of this one alive.

by concerned_frind_of_emily December 6, 2018

stanley hudson the third

stanley hudson the third means tiger that bites and scraches hard but will be on your good side then switch and try to kill you

Hey its a stanley hudson the third

by WORD123456789WORD February 16, 2022

Stanley Water Bottle

The water bottle all of the popular girls use and have to bring it into every conversation they have in class, and the teacher doesn’t care because they are her favorites. Ages 12-15 usually, half of them are ok while the other half are complete bitches

Popular girl:Katrina has a Stanley water bottle
Everyone else: shut up

by I am no longer going to GWA June 21, 2023

Stanley "Tookie" Williams

Many people say Stanley a.k.a. "Tookie" was a horrible man who started one of the meanest gangs, but most people don't know the truth about him. First off the name Tookie was given to him by his mother when he was just a baby! When he started the gang, The crips, it was to protect themselves (the blacks) from the white people. Technically Tookie isn't the real founder of the Crips, a man by the name Rayman Washington started the gang in December, 1969. He actually signed a peace treaty between the crips and the bloods in 1992. The later generations ruined that for everyone! Many people believe that he killed four people and never made remorse. The witnesses to these crimes were payed to say what they did! He didn't just write one book, but a whole series of books against gangs and violence. If you don't believe what I have state, get on iTunes search "American Gangster" the t.v. series and look for the Stanley "Tookie" Williams episode and watch it.

Stanley "Tookie" Williams turned his life around, and so can you!

by Leamon_26 November 17, 2007

18πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Stanley Cup

Honestly, the ugliest and most exaggerated trophy in all of sports. Unlike all other trophies, you would not know this is the championship cup for hockey if you looked at it. It looks more like an artifact that belongs in a church to represent the Holy Grail.

It got its name from its creator, a guy named the Lord Stanley of Preston, who was governor of Canada at the time. He bought a decorative punch bowl (Yes, a punch bowl) and made it the trophy. He had the words "Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup" engraved on one side of the outside rim, and "From Stanley of Preston" on the other side.

Person 1: What the hell is this sport, and what the hell is that massive thing he's carrying over his head?

Person 2: It's hockey, and that's the Stanley Cup they win as champions.

Person 1: Dear God...

by Trip'n June 22, 2010

9πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž


The co-founder of the biggest gang in united states.Crip.
Was in jail and got executed,cuz he had deathrow.


Da O.G.{original gangsta}
das Stanley "tookie" williams
Da original gangsta crip.

by JOSE BAQUEDANO May 9, 2006

13πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž