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thicc sup

A very girthy sup. Also can be used as a form of "bet" or "yes", mostly a common saying between bros

Example 1:

Friend who hasn't hung out in a while: "a nice thicc sup to you my friend it's been too long"

Example 2:

Person 1: "Want to go get some food"
Person 2: "that would be a thicc sup"

by The coltrain6969 September 1, 2017

sup tho

used by the youtuber Gattormartin when starting his videos

sup THO, got my extra buttery popcorn

by Gordonia October 10, 2017

Sup Chick

Something a guy says when he sees a hot chick! They don't necessarily have to say it to the chick...

(girl passes in front of a car)

-Driver: Sup Chick!

by Supafly Jenkins January 12, 2009

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Sup Groovestats?

A phrase originated from In The Groove's score recording site, Groovestats. Basically, a way to greet someone, along the lines of "sup man" or "hey dude."

"Sup Groovestats?"
"Not tons, man."

by KDavis January 20, 2008

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Sup Money

This is what niggas use to salute another nigga. It means that they are close friends or from the same hood. Sup also comes from the Latin word "Niggersupa" meanging what niggers eat like KFC or Taco bell, it also comes from the Chinese word "supxingcoonnigga" meaning niggers are dumb as shit!

Jigaboo Jones: Sup money
Jamal: Yoyoyo Sup nigga
White man: Sup money
Jigaboo Jones: Yo you trying to be racist?! you white ass motherfucker
*They both try to shoot him but miss every shot*

by Some fucking nigga February 9, 2011

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sup bb

short usage for what's up baby

-sup bb
-wanna get out of this party ?

by Cydian February 20, 2016

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sup bitch

Sup bitch is normally used to act non surprised or just pissed off at someone

Friend: β€œyour a retard”

You: next day when you see him β€œsup bitch”

by Thicccboii69 March 30, 2019

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