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Hobo Swagger

The undeniably suave and sexy demeanor exhibited by a select few homeless and transient people in the world. Known to stir a sense of secret admiration and passion in the hearts of middle and upper class women everywhere.

To the homeless dude I caught sleeping on my back porch...
"I was going out to do yoga by my Koi pond , when I tripped over you and kicked you in the head. You screamed a line of expletives at me as you ran over to the wooden fence and tried to scale it. Judging by the empty bottles of wine by my door stoop, I guess you were still a little tipsy. Still, I couldn't help thinking how you has some serious Hobo Swagger goin on, with your multiple dirty coats, and the way you tripped over the kiddy pool and fell in. My husband is out of town, so maybe next time you can come inside and do some chores for me (wink ,wink)."

by Ximenez4339 February 25, 2018

Jagar Swagger

A form of confidence and swagger that is expressed by a high level of performance with no bragging or showing off of any kind. Modest greatness

Wow that quiet kid is such a stud on the court!

Yeah he has that Jagar Swagger.

by Manager"00" March 11, 2011


The switch that gentlemen use to turn their swag on or off. Usually turned on at the start of the day and off at night, otherwise one might "wake up covered in bitches", so to speak.

Old English - Colloquial (~1739-present).

"Charles, don't forget to turn your swagger-switch back to 'on' after this lovely pot of tea."

by SuperDuncan8 August 14, 2011

savage swagger

Fucking amazing kid that nobody can fucking beat. He/she likes to make lit gaming videos that are fucking fire. This person is also a damn whore that all thr bitched want.

Savage swagger might be getting stitches but he's getting bitches.

by Ohhhhhhhh shittttttttrt January 8, 2018

Swagger Jagger

A song made by a girl named Cher Lloyd which people seem to rage on about, because they have no Swagger nor Attention of their own, making them a "Swagger Jagger."

Person 1: "That Swagger Jagger Song Is Shit!"
Person 2: "Do You have any Swagger?"
Person 1: "Of course I do, check these moves out!" *Does Some Gangster Wannabe Shit Moves*
Person 2: "Shaking My Head, Swagger Jagger."

by Bitch Named Deltrice August 24, 2011

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Swagger Jacker

Someone who steals another individuals swag or style

Guy 1 : You look fly homie
Guy2 : I know
Guy 1 : That guy is dreesed the same as you man
Guy2 : He is a fucking swagger jacker lets jump him

by Joe Boy Tell em May 29, 2009

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When you bought some new gear, and you are exciting to use it.
Or if you ordered something and you just waiting to get it in the mail.

Man, I was at karmaloop and got me a new Freshjive sweater, i'm so swagger-high right now!
Dude, went to the FreshDeath store yesterday and I bought a new set of pants, so i'm swagger-high as hell man!

by Jonas T December 30, 2008

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