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The Terri Schiavo

The result of feeding your girl the tube so good that she’s left brain dead with a shocked look on her face when you pull it out.

Damn baby, that ass was fire!

I’m gonna go grab a snack from the kitchen. I’d ask if you want something but the Terri Schiavo you just took gonna take a minute to come back from… take your time.

by TheMightyDRU March 1, 2023

terry brown

a cool dude

that kid is so awesome, it must be Terry Brown

by Sebastion Frank February 27, 2017

kristen terry

a stupid ugly bitch that is so ugly. Literally looks like a sloth, blob fish, beluga whale, and a giraffe all in one. She has no friends at all and she probably has the coronavirus.

Kristen Terry is a stupid dumb ugly fat ass bitch.

by edp445 is hot March 13, 2020

Where is Terry

man who takes pictures of poop in Russian toilets

Dude? Where is Terry?

by mwolfgang75 May 24, 2011

The Terri Berry

Before letting someone go down on you. You take off your bra and let your National Geographic titties hang down, point south and let the sweat drip from the nipples into the vagina for some added flavor.

Before letting my partner go down on me. I busted the Terri Berry to intensify their tastebuds.

by ScrewyLuie July 17, 2019

Element Terry

whenever a person likes Nightcrawler and cant never say Elementary correctly, he becomes Dat Guy. The guy who can never say it correctly.

Hey Guys I went to Element Terry School

by Dat Douchebag August 21, 2010

Terry O'Neill

A bad-ass old man who fucks young girls while wearing a fedora and one black leather glove. At the end of hours of passionate copulation, he lights an expensive cigar, downs a bottle of jose cuervo, changes your name and is never seen again.

Uni: "Did you hear about Derek's hot sister?"
Jon: " Yeah, apparently she met a Terry O'Neill at a bar last night and is now joining a convent."

by Thegarageband July 28, 2009