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boss up

To step your game up;get on the next level.

Boy, boss up and get this money!

by Kimberly aka Farrah August 1, 2005

359πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

boss hog

Someone who is straight ballin'. Does whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

Sam: Man, Captain Falcon just took Yoshi in the butt.
Rylee: I know, because he's boss hog.

by Benji Thomas February 17, 2008

202πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Vistoso Bosses

A new teenage pop-duo of Kelci Fegurson and Taylor Parker who sang the hit singles 'Delirious' ft. Soulja Boy and Boy Crazy with an album coming out called 'Confetti'

Person 1: Have you heard the new song Delirious?
Person 2: The one by Vistoso Bosses?
Person 1: Yeah. It makes me go Delirious!

by VistosoBossesFan July 30, 2009

31πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Boss toss

To toss the boss. When there is such an abundance of boss-ness that you have enough to toss around

β€œMan that was so boss”
β€œNah dude, that was boss toss”

by shrek5comingsummer2019 December 12, 2018

24πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lucas Boss

Any tub of lard that if approached air waves are filled with the smell of pure pain (body odor, shit, cigarettes,gasoline_

dude bill deevy is such a lucas boss

by a gms student December 3, 2019

boss wife

A wife so good at her goals she puts to shame all the lesser average wives.

Better than the rest

Proverbs woman on point

She's a Boss Wife, so you can't compete

by CharmingAH March 22, 2017

boss nerd

The overlord, An absolute beast at life in osrs

Boss Nerd is a beast

by Boss Nerd REEEEEEEEEEE January 12, 2018