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Everything is calm and right. U feeling mellow

Yo man, I got a promotion, I got my own place and everything is coolness with me

by Deelicious January 22, 2004

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A word that is worse than awesome. Cool and awesome mean basically the same thing, as does tight, sweet, etc. But cool = old, awesome > cool.

Dude 1: i'm teh k00l d00d
Dude 3: I'm the awesome dude
Me: I'm the tight bringer of doom

by DoomBringer316 February 11, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


macbook air, the ultra unlike anything else definition of cool

That girl is so cool, just check out her mac book air.

by mkm0314 February 8, 2008

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cool- meaning stupid, lame, boring, dumb, etc. Not appealing to what you think or want to do. Being "cool" in my vocab isn't good.

"My mom was being really cool when she grounded me for a month"

by gracemary<333 April 20, 2006

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1. Another word for tightcrunk,jassy.
2. Something thats not too hot and not too cold
3. A song by Qwen Stafani

a. dude that belts so cool where did you get it
b. it's cool outside today
c. ...after all that we've been through i know we're cool...

by IwannaBe October 24, 2005

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a word that should only be used to describe the temperature. AND NOTHING ELSE!

out here is nice and cool.

by unknown punk September 3, 2005

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a word used to fill in awkward silences or even cause them

filling them:

"...and that's why im so tired!"
causing them:
"Did you see that squirrel?"
"yeah it was cool."
"did you know some squirrels can fly?"
"no, thats cool."
"this is a good first date.."
*awkward silence*

by totally cool girl June 26, 2011

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