he is in love with music. he will usually never pick you over loving himself DO NOT get into a relationship with a dylan at a young age. because dylan is a very interesting individual and can’t figure out what he wants. when you are in a relationship with a dylan give him space because he can feel very suffocated. if you flirt with a dylan he probably won’t understand that you are or ignore it if a dylan doesn’t like you he will most likely distance himself if u flirt with him because he rather just have friends. relationship for young dylan’s can be very stressful for them and if you do want a relationship with him when he’s young i would advise you to wait for him to find himself. dylan’s are not emotional around people but at heart he is a emotional demon. dylan’s have very big dreams and he will most likely succeed because he doesn’t play with his thoughts and passions. if you ever have a dylan don’t mess things up he’s a wise one
j- i love you
dylan - but we just supposed to be friends
Dylan is the COOLEST guy in the world and is willing to help anyone out! He will date guys or girls and give them all a chance. He plays at least one instrument and is super good at. But if your one of his friends you will get an extra treat! He likes all his friends so much and enjoys spending time with them he might even be willing to date one of his guy friends!
anonymous guy friend: Hey Dylan i am bi and was wondering if you and me would start dating.
Dylan: Sure anonymous guy friend i will try it out and see if i like it!
Dylan s someone who fell off the stairs
Oh he fell? He’s a Dylan isn’t he
Dylan's can either be the sweetest, most caring person in the world, or a total d*ck.
dylan's are usually always in some sort of trouble, but always manage to get out of it.
they are usually hot with golden-brown hair and brown/hazel eyes or dark brown hair with green eyes.
they make you melt when you talk to them, and are usually a player. they're confusing and commonly send mixed signals.
but sometimes, dylan will make you upset. they can play with your head and emotions and make you think that they like you when they dont.
and then, dylan's have a soft side. it's very hard to get to this soft side, and if you do consider yourself lucky. he's usually boarded off but if he lets you in, he really likes you (as a friend or as a romantic interest)
you: damn.. i really thought he liked me, what an a**hole.
-------------------------------------------------------------------dylan: hey!
you: *looking sad*
dylan: whoa hey are you okay?
you: *lying* yeah i'm fine—
dylan: aw come on i know you better than that, talk to me about it.
Dylan's mating behavior varies greatly depending on the social structure of the troop. In the mixed groups of savanna Dylan's, each male can mate with any female. The mating order among the male Dylan's depends partially on their social ranking, and fights between males are not unusual. There are, however, more subtle possibilities; in mixed groups, males sometimes try to win the friendship of females. To garner this friendship, they may help groom the female Dylan, help care for her young, or supply her with food. The probability is high that those young are their offspring. Some female Dylan's clearly prefer such friendly males as mates. However, males will also take infants during fights to protect themselves from harm. A female Dylan initiates mating by presenting her swollen rump to the male's face.
The most caring, smart person I know! He is extremely handsome, handy, gunsmart, and loving! He will spend every penny on you! You will always feel loved around him. He will spend every minute of every day on FaceTime with. He is clueless at times and will be forever mine.
You: i have cramps!!!!
Dylan: FaceTime me and I get you some dark chocolate.
Dylan is someone who is so retarded that he likes to stir fry toenail clippings.
Person 1: Who is that ?
Person 2: Oh, that's just Dylan, don't talk to him, he's kinda dumb.