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I'm So Good-itis

When someone is new to a game and gets really good RNG, so they think it's all skill not luck.

Especially big in singleplayer games since no one is there to trash talk.

Person 1: "Jim just got to gold rank yet he just started playing last week"
Person 2: "Have you seen the way he plays? All luck, no skill. Bet he's feeling "I'm So Good-itis" right now.

by 420LoliPolice69 January 2, 2024


A made up disease which a person goes crazy for men.
It doesn’t have to be exactly that, it could also mean the opposite.

Person: are you okay?
Me: No… I have Men-itis.. and there are alot of hot men here
Person: Menitis..?
Me: I love men so much I want a dilf to hug me to badly

by TheRobloxMafiaMansimp August 20, 2023


Niggas not shooting the fucking ball wide open

Mark-itis is Lando, Pat, Nate.

by Nando11 September 26, 2022


Smelling of weed even if you haven't smoked it, such as if you've been in a room or area of people smoking it and now you also smell of it.

*weed smell is on your body even if you haven't smoked it because you were in the immediate area of people smoking it*

Person 1 "Dude, you're high-ity af. You've been near the weed smokers haven't you?"
Person 2 "Yea man but I didn't smoke it... I'm just high-ity"

by Cyr2Cold March 17, 2016


A common disease caused by over-ingestion of content related to the 2021 animated horror comedy web series, Murder Drones, patients will have an increased attraction to robots, high counts of watch time on Murder Drones content, and a need to overanalyze the show

I am so sad right now bro, my friend watched Murder Drones and contracted MD-itis.

by Uzi Doorman April 19, 2024


When someone just says BRUHH in every situation

Person 1: "I got a pet"
Person with Bruh-itis: "BRUH"

by helo i like to eat ur poo February 16, 2024


Lostit-itis is the deasease (or feeling) you get after you "lose it".

"Sarah has been acting weird lately."

"I think she has lostit-itis."

by so i think i'm queen elizabeth September 10, 2008