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Folks who like to work for a living. They believe affirmative action is bullshit, should be the best man for the job. They believe in limited government, low taxes, and a strong national defense. You know....things that have made America the stongest most badass nation on the planet.

Barack Obama and his cronies are ruining the country...it's only a matter of time before the Republicans take charge again. Remember Jimmy Carter?

by drewman05 July 13, 2009

61๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.A person with conservation views for society and government. Usually not interested in big government, socialistic policies which grant priveleges to those who do not deserve them.
2. A person who recognizes the diffence between a "right" and a "privelege."
3. Someone who recognizes what needs to be done for the good of America and is willing to do it. Usually this "balls to the wall" attitude is followed by a scavanger (see democrat) following next and stealing the credit, as was the case with Clinton taking the credit for economic trends that started under Bush.

If more Americans recognized the superiority of the Republican party, less people would be on welfare and our country would be run by those who merit the position.

by Anonymous December 10, 2002

98๐Ÿ‘ 236๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) One who believes the government is problematic as far as dealing with social, political, and fiscal issues.

2) Typically a conservative

3) One who believes in the power of self-reliance.

Antonym: Democrat - one who believes that the government is the solution to all social, political, and fiscal issues. Typically a liberal.

A Republican believes in Laissez-Faire.

by todditha November 29, 2004

75๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who believes in working hard for their money and thinks that other people should too. Someone who also feels that handouts should only occur when they are truly deserved, and not just because people don't feel like working or doing anything. Someone who also believes that we should strive to be a debt-free country and stop borrowing money from other countries who could potentially own us. We pay back whom we acquire from and work hard never to owe anyone.

Democrat: Free college for everyone! No student debt!

Republicans: Students AND people will just have more debt in taxes.

by definitionbilly123 September 8, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


An adult. A grown-up. Someone who has completed puberty.

Someone who does not hold certain political beliefs just to be hip, edgy, or fashionable.

Someone whose political beliefs are based on knowledge, research and experience, not from Rage Against the Machine and System of a Down CDs.

Someone who doesn't depend on celebrities or musicians to represent their beliefs.

Someone who lives outside of their parents house. Someone who actually tries to be valueable to their society not by intent, but by actions and deeds. Someone who makes more than $30,000 a year.

Someone who cares in a way too subtle for people with small minds to ever notice. Someone who doesn't have to over-patronize less fortunate people to disguise their inner selfishness.

Unpretentious. Moral. Normal.

There is no reason for Republicans to dislike liberals or left-wing folks. After all, we were all 14 years old at one point in our lives.

by Evil Fascist Neocon Warmonger March 30, 2005

175๐Ÿ‘ 474๐Ÿ‘Ž


(noun) a political retard

Republican: If we follow the Bible we can create the perfect government!

by TheWhiteBowser July 20, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


My mother who didn't abort me.

Don't believe all the hype about Republicans or Democrats, they are both cut from the same cloth, exist for the same purpose, use the same methods, and are defined here by the same people on the so called opposite side of the political spectrum.

by Jimmy Buckets July 6, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž