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that's going to itch when it dries

The comment one makes when they, or someone else has a really wet-sounding fart

Billy: (farts loudly)
Tom: "Damn, Billy. That's going to itch when it dries!"

by Ocho-sinco November 23, 2016

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

When did I ask?

The thing dickheads use to completely shut down a conversation they don’t really care about. Starts by saying β€˜when’ then the person be confused, and you continue by saying β€˜when did I ask?’. This will achieve hatred pure hatred from the person you say it to.

Lachie: oi Damo, I scored with your chick last night
Damo: when?
Lachie: what?
Damo: WHen dID I AsK?!

by That-one-guy-you-hate March 12, 2020

75πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

when in doubt, whip it out

"It" is referring to showing your male genitalia to a certain lady (or guy if that's what your into).

This is the common reply you give to your friend when he continues to complain whether a certain girl is into him or not.

It's the ultimate test. If the girl doesn't take bait or if she's about to charge you for harassment, proceed to walk out the door and move on.

Pete: Hey Billy, Sara gave me a wink yesterday, but sometimes she doesn't seem interested in me.
Billy: Bro, when in doubt, whip it out!

by Notorious NATE October 12, 2010

115πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

when a girl says bye

this means "don't fuckin leave you asshole, I love you. Stay here and love me back"

"Okay bye"

"No when a girl says bye its different, man"

by desper September 25, 2015

86πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

When I Grow Ups

The "When I Grow Ups"

Common affliction suffered by young adults between years 20-25 of life.

During this time frame, they realize that they are now at a sufficient age where they shouldn't be aspiring to grow up and become something, but actually should be it by now.

Thus suffering the "When I Grow Ups", as they've gotten older, yet never really grown up.

The beat ass stripper at Mens Gallery had been dancing since she was 18; now, at 25 and with no serious career prospects, she realized she had a severe case of the "When I Grow Ups"

by Maddi H February 20, 2009

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

when she wants the welp

a phrase that only the chadliest of chads utter, signifies that a female wants the famous youtuber yuvithedude

"When she wants the WELP!" - Chad
"damn! that guy is so cool" - bob
"i wanna date him so bad now" - woman
"ngl I kinda want the welp now" - monkey

by cbtmachine33 March 23, 2023

when she wants the adzit

When a girl(monkey) becomes horny from a lame virgin's miniature penis and starts cumming all over the place

Lame Virgin: Why is that weird chick's chair wet
Sigma: I don't know and don't care. When she wants the adzit.
Lame Virgin: Oh shit she is grabbing at my adzit! what should I do?
Sigma: Just run like your father figure did.
Lame Virgin: Thanks best friend
Sigma: I'm glad I have a good friend

by SalKhan March 23, 2023