If he isn’t is, then he was.
Ryan: Man I’m talkin’ bout dayt boy Bryce.
Dylan: Who he was?
When a British person was about to cus right before something was disturbed
Batman: destroyed the drone
Penguin: AAAAAHHH, Bloody He-
btw this is a reference from Batman: The Telltale Series
the acted of dropping someone in a video game and going up to them and they have a full bag/inventory of sweaty sweaty juice creamy loot
To either have a massive penis or to wear some sort of padding so as to give the appearance of having a massive penis
He is packing but everyone is when you wear a size small. Except for Ross Lynch, he really is.
1. the entrance to a man's asshole
2. the portal to a man's soul
"hey, why don't we try going through the front door?"
"fuck that! i'm going through the he lobby."
1👍 1👎
Another Famous Bramer quote that he says when somebody answers correctly
Student: That should be an Oxford comma
Mr. Bramer: He’s A Genius!