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The Boys

The boys. Usually to indicate a group of friends, that are male. The boys will never betray each other, The boys will trust each other, The boys will always be close to each other, The boys will all ways be there for each other, The boys will work together. The boys could be any friend group. A friend group that hangs out all the time, or plays games all the time, or have fun all the time. The boys will sometimes will have fights or arguments. This sometimes can separate The boys, But usually The boys solve the problem. The boys are always honest, but sometimes joke around. In overall The boys are the best friend group you’ll ever have in your life.

We’re The boysssss.
Once one of the boys all ways one of the boys.

by Jay29 June 19, 2020


When you pull out the hairs on someones head so the forehead looks bigger. Then you take a shit on it and say: You got boyed.

I boyed that girl yesterday, she is gonna remember that boying for the rest of her life.

by blub072 July 4, 2022

no boi

People use this slang to chew or disagree with one another

No boi you are not gang

by Squad boi March 20, 2017

The boys.

A group of male individuals thats either hang out, tell jokes, or do dumb fucking decisions.
All individuals are restricted to masturbate during the month of November (aka. No nut november).
If anyone is caught in the act of simping they will be executed.

The boys. are epic
-João Cavaca

by João Cavaca December 25, 2020


Boy is someone's bitch, but the boy don't know this.

Nigga you my boy, get to the store and buy me some smokes or i'll smack you the fuck up.

by Long Bang Trung August 21, 2004

37👍 57👎


to be made a boy by someone e.g. to be degraded or insulted with no relevant reaction

GIRL: you know what, ur nice but jam lets be friends init
BOY: but i like u
GIRL: so do i, just not as a man, more as a boy...
BOY2:snapp, u just got boyed...

by reality12345 December 3, 2006

37👍 58👎

The boys

"The boys" are the worst gaming people to play with they are homophobic Racist, hate on people for no reason and are little kids the homies are better

"The boys" are trash

by WatchYallComeAfterMe January 2, 2021

7👍 9👎