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Tube Steak

A slang term for a man's penis, or commonly a hot dog is a poor man's steak. Since a hot dog is in the form of a tube, it is called a tube steak. Also referenced in the ZZ top song, tube steak boogie, boogie, woogie baby, boogie woogie all night long

1. Did you see the size of that Hot Dog! That is more like a tube steak. What a meal. Baby!

2. Dude 1: Did you see how that fine girl handles that tube steak?

Dude 2: Yeah, man! She can sure Boogie Woogie!

by T_rump_supporter September 11, 2013

39๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

tube light

some one whos slow when it comes to jokes
it takes him a while to get a joke.

tube lights flash 3-4 times before they go on.

a slow person blinks 3 - 4 times before getting a funny joke and then laughs

maaan ur such a fuckin tube light
i hate tellin jokes to tube lights
your a tube light, ass hole
you killed the joke tube light

by Sincere February 28, 2005

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Hit The Tube

verb- The a act of two or more friends watching Youtube videos and discussing them through IM, Text, Chat, etc.

David: Ill talk to you later

Mark: Wanna play football later?

David: No lets just Hit The Tube

Mark: Yay

by TinoDag November 3, 2010

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feeding tube

Something that should be removed when it's clear that the recipient has become a shell of its former self and where there's no hope of any sort of dignified future existence.

The Simpsons should have its feeding tube removed.

by Fantastic_Dan March 24, 2005

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Noob tube

Usually refers to the grenade launcher in Call of Duty 4 due to it's high power and wide kill radius, and especially it's easiness to use.

Alex over the headset on Xbox live:
"Dude, this kid with the noob tube killed me like 6 times already, its really pissin' me off!"

by Jboydope June 10, 2008

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tubing the yoobs

To watch many youtubes

In particular as a legitimate sport or hobby

I was 'tubing the yoobs last night and found this hilarious cat video

by Jsvaioop December 11, 2010

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lube in a tube

hand sanitizer

deriving from yet another maths convo.

Alice: check out my new hand sanitizer!
Lily: WOAH! lube in a tube!

by Mikey Freakin' Way. (not really) June 11, 2008

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