Source Code

Verbal Hitler

a person who says terrible things, terrible terrible things

bob-dude i totally wanna make sweet sweet love to your girlfriend like real bad...

joe-dude you're such a verbal hitler!

by juan magellan March 20, 2010

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verbally hit that

When someone with a boyfriend/girlfriend wants phone sex from someone not their boyfriend/girlfriend

Friend: I'm not even his girlfriend but he keeps talking dirty to me
Me: I would so verbally hit that

by Angela JR March 8, 2007

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Verbal Ko

When someone is insulted to the point of tears or inability to reply or make a comeback.

Dan got Verbal Ko by robin williams.

by Jared c September 19, 2006

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verbal beatdown

When someone says or does something incredibly dumb and you verbally rip them to pieces.

Person1: This guy yesterday told me the earth isn't a planet
Person2: What did you say.
Person1: I gave him a verbal beatdown.

by D3ADLY R3CONZ August 29, 2014

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Verbal Game

The ability to attract and build chemistry with females by talking to them. Men who's verbal game is wack usually dont get much pussy.

*Even though John is a handsome mothafucka, he cant get laid because his verbal game sucks.

* Nick though his verbal game was on point when he approached the attractive woman, but soon realized it was awful when she wouldn't even give him her number.

by Book God March 24, 2015

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verbal greeting

Upon entering the RC a person would say "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening" and render the proper greeting to the number of females and males in the area.

A verbal greeting example is "Good Morning C/Young and Gentlemen." Something that is not an example is Good Afternoon Cadets.

by theunnofficaligoftherc February 1, 2011

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Verbal Card

A way of giving someone a birthday card without actually giving them a card. Verbal Cards are recited orally and are usually made up on the spot, but can be planned out in advance. They are better than normal cards for many reasons mainly that they can be personalized. The only downfalls to a Verbal Card is that you can't put money in them, and don't have any funny pictures. They can however include singing.

Tom- Here's your present Sara!!
Sara- um thanks, is there a card?

"Happy Birthday Sara!
I Hope You Have A Great Day!"

Sara- Oh Tom! You shouldnt have!
Tom- Anything for you my love!

by Kaymanithink July 25, 2009

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