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Mixed Vibes

When you are feeling certain well-defined emotions about something but they are contradictory and/or shouldn’t exist at the same time. Not to be confused with “I’m not sure how I feel about this” because you know exactly what you’re feeling but there’s a lot of it

Friend: Have you heard that new acoustic version of “Hey Ya!” Yet?
Me: Yeah but it it gave me Mixed Vibes man...

by SirMrDrProfessorSlicerEsq September 4, 2020

VFR Vibes

A good feeling you experience when relaxing outside in nice weather. It is based off of Visual Flight Rules in the Aviation Industry where aircraft can fly in good weather.

The weather was gorgeous today, it was sunny and warm. We were having some VFR Vibes.”

by TheAngryPilot April 8, 2020

Boomer Vibes

People who aren't actually baby boomer but act, think and function like one.

You got to stay away from her, she's got the boomer vibes.

by AAAAAAAAAHK March 18, 2020

the vibe carries

everyone is in a full agreement to smoke with out everyone knowing

we all got up to smoke the vibe carries

-gavin stewart

by yeeyee0124 April 9, 2020

The Vibe Squad

A group of people that are from different parts of the world, but they Vibe so hard they can fuck up time & space just by being together.

Gary: Who the hell are they?
Sal: they are The Vibe Squad.. they are also losers.

by VGLazer January 23, 2021

Arturo Vibes

It’s about living your life and not caring about all the bad things around you and enjoying The people around you with good vibes only and just moving forward

The boy has “Arturo vibes “ when going go party with his friends

by ballforlife421 December 27, 2018

Bala vibes

Bring a negative Energy into a relationship or a friendship. Telling lies or being manipulative in a relationship.

Telling lies or being manipulative in a relationship.

“Ouuuu he/she got Bala vibes”
My boyfriend is so Manipulative
Friend: he/she got Bala vibes

by Weridassmfer August 12, 2020