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Waste Cat

1. A woman who is a slut/skank/hoe/whore. She sleeps around, gives blow jobs anytime/anywhere and runs trains. Most often a very big bitch and talks a lot of shit.

Mickey: Damn! That Danielle sure is a hoe!
Candice: Yeah!, she's a waste cat

by SMD123 January 7, 2011

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Kanza wasted

The act of getting so drunk you inevitably do something stupid.

Did you see jeff jump from the roof to the pool last night? He was definitely kanza wasted.

by Brozart November 11, 2014

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Waste man

A Watse man (wasteman) is a perosn who has become socially intolerable towrads his peers and has become as the name suggests a "Waste". Females taking on a waste mans characteristics are usally known as Waste Gash.

waste men are given this title for various things e.g. steeling from close company,talking about people behind there back's,trying to move towrads a alredy Partnered female etc. The list goes on. (some times people refer to them simply as waste pronounced "wayse" when being short)

The only thing to remember is to never find youself being called one as they usally have no real friends and end up getting jumped or beat up or worse

"Daniel your a waste man for trying to take ma girl"

"Blood your watse" (wayse)

by Professer Thuganomics (Trav) October 4, 2008

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wasted face

The act of being completely drunk. What your face looks like after a long night of shots!

Vanessa:Hey Natalie, something looks different about you..... Did you cut your hair???

Natalie: no, hoe fo sho.... im freakin wasted face!

Vanessa: Lucky!

by nlkatlie September 11, 2007

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Waste of time

Searching up this.

You are obviously bored enough to search up waste of time

by DefiningJusticeFromAssholes March 20, 2017

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wasted time

What you are creating rn

Jo: Do you ever just go on the urban dictionary for fun??
Sophie: Y would you do that that's just wasted time

by Therearemanyhereamonguswhofeel February 20, 2017

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waste of protoplasm

Anyone who is obviously being stupid or self destructive in nature. Used to show disdain or contempt for an individual or group of individuals.

See that meth addict in the ER last night? What a waste of protoplasm.

All those people who are into that goth look going around depressed all the time are just a waste of protoplasm.

by STONEDGOAT August 26, 2011

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