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Pussy slug

It is the mucous of the vagina in between the lips that looks like a cute slug.

The part inside a womens vagina that looks like a cute Pussy slug

by Bob Johnson Sr. April 7, 2011

Crack Slug

A small terd that resides in you're butt crack, that you aren't aware is there until you change you're shorts. Usually arrives as the bi-product of a large fart.

I thought my butt crack was sweating until I changed my shorts and found a two inch Crack Slug!

by TheMarmot June 26, 2006

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Throwing slugs

Basically throwing shade.

Girl 1: '*Talking to other friend' Bitches love to talk hella shit but be the main ones working at McDonald's '
Girl 2: *works at McDonalds* why are you throwing slugs towards me ?

by BlasianBaddieBlasianBaddie January 27, 2018

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Slug Life

To be chronically lazy & sluggish. When one is proud of their long term laziness.

Person 1: Come on lazy bones, get out of bed it's passed midday
Person 2: Slug Life bro

by LemonySnickets April 20, 2018

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government slug

One who sucks benefits off the Government. Or has no desire to work , cause all they have ever known is hand-outs. Aka " On the Dole" aka " the Wood Tick"

How can you date that girl, she has no future, she's a government slug!

by The Bigtoe February 13, 2014

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fuck slugs

When slugs disrupt your comfortable middle-class life and fuck up your kitchen and fresh produce like the little shits they are.

Nina: We had a slug infestation in my fucking kitchen. It was horrible, I died inside. I lost a part of me. And now I'm vehemently against slugs. Fuck slugs.

by slum lungs June 7, 2017

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Slug Life

A lifesyle conceived in the cool and moist climate of the Great Pacific Northwest. Originating in Slugapov, it has found many new deciples who embrace the concepts of gluttony,
sloth and a general lack of care for much responsibility. Those who live this lifestyle generally aim to do the bare minimum in life and get by. It is characterized by smoking the reefer,

participating in all day video games such as 2K basketball tournaments and frequently cutting class to pursue the previously mentioned activities. Living the slug life really eats away at the

character of a person and diminishes their productivity as a person.

Little meat: Yo Pasta and Izzy quit living the slug life and do some big chest with us today.

Pasta and Izzy: I think we're just going to get on some 2k today.

by Larry Hoover November 30, 2012

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