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Absolute Beta Male

Someone that all the girls feel comforable talking to because they are undeniably and permenently destined for the friend zone.

See also: Beta Soy Boy

Friend 1:All the girls only want to talk to me
Friend 2:Thats because you're an Absolute Beta Male destined for the Friend Zone.

by YeetyYeeter September 10, 2019

absolute work of art

first of all you look like you're staring into somebody's soul, the mans on the left.. he somebody's dad for sure. 40 year old man loooks part demon too.. Grab the belt john he boutta whoop some child’s ass. bro the guy on the top left definitely got his haircut at grandmas house I think she forgot he’s a dude. and simon.. if this picture was among us.. you are def the imposterr... looking like you're about to go stab someone 100 times in their slump.. hella sus... thats why im scared bruh

damn bro did you hear about how ayla made that absolute work of art?

by gr4v3y4rdsh1ft December 22, 2020

Doing the absolute most

Putting immense effort and class into a role or song or being not afraid of going out of your comfort zone with a character.

E.g. You are doing the absolute most in every role and this is why you get every role you audition for. We Stan this (this is a positive thing)

by Guineapiggyg April 5, 2022

Absolute handsome bastard

Euan Anderson. He's an absolute gorgeous man and I appreciate him so much.

Here man, you seen that Euan Anderson?

Ye mean absolute handsome bastard? Aye obviously

by Bxhja snd May 29, 2021

absolut jack-ass

1 cup of absolut vodka,1 cup of jack daniels and a can of monster assult together in a pitcher.

jack daniels is god!

by assrocket December 25, 2004

8👍 4👎

absolute rocket

The act of hitting a home run in baseball.

Bryce Harper hit an absolute rocket to right center.

by absolute rocket May 17, 2016

1👍 5👎

Absolute True Agony

When you take the AM GAMER drugs and the Coca-Cola is NOT espuma

Im His name is Baba Booey

Absolute True Agony

by Gbungper August 18, 2023