UK television presenter and journalist who specialises in being an unpleasant bitch. Is most well known at present for hosting the quiz "The Weakest Link" where she castigates the participants and insults them in every way possible before dismissing losing players with the phrase "You are the weakest link. Goodbye!"
A recovering alcoholic, who lost custody of her daughter. Even after a fortune spent on plastic surgery she still has a most unpleasant smug expression stuck on her face.
She has a vastly over-inflated opinion of herself, and in addition showed her very unappealing racist side when she appeared on a chat show and made the remark, "What are the Welsh for?".
If that bitch Anne Robinson had said "What are the Jews for?" she would have been kicked off television for good. However, as it was "only the Welsh", no action was taken against her.
90๐ 29๐
Coolest kid on the block, she is sweet but don't mess with her, she can bite. Introverted at first, but a real pearl if you get to know her.
Anne-Claire is my best friend
9๐ 1๐
Is a bitch but loving....jai-ann is one of the most weirdest and random/sexual person you would meet...if you have met would be lost without her
Jai-ann just said shes pregnant with another that weird???.....why am i friends with her...๐
9๐ 1๐
She has all the charm of a rattlesnake. She has all the compassion of a New York City subway mugger. She has the evil intelligence of Eva Braun. She has the diction of a recovering alcoholic. The manners of a twitchy recovering drug addict. She uses her anorexic sex-appeal to charm Neanderthal men (and some women) into believing her outrageous lies and falsehoods. (The real question is does she lie or just not know?)
Anne Coulter is like the boorish relative that you hope doesn't show up to the family reunion. Anne Coulter is like the car crash that you saw on the high way that you hated to see, but looked at anyway.
Anne Coulter is a symptom of what is wrong with this country and the so called 'Main Stream Media'. Filled with postulating hypocrites blowing their opinions rather then the facts acting like the flame that draws the moth in closer and closer.
America is not served by having Anne Coulter and her genre of deficient 'intellectuals' flaunting their lack of knowledge from venues as banal as Fox News. Her grasp of history is extremely weak. Her writings are filled with biased and wildly inaccurate tangents that make her the darling of the right who push their brand of 'reality' onto the unsuspecting public for their own gain.
She is part of what people that still think call 'the Right Wing Echo Chamber'...
No, Anne, Canada did not send troops to Vietnam. The reason why Anne hasn't gotten back to the Canadian journalist is because Anne Coulter exists in a venal world dancing to her masters tune and she doesn't have to admit that she is wrong. Such asmissions would easily fill their own rather large book. Sure to be a best seller to all thinking beings in the once great nation known as 'The United States'. Other examples are far to numerous to list here...
426๐ 411๐
A magnificent and amazing woman. The most sincere and generous person you could ever meet. Perfect in all aspects of the word. She can always bring a smile to your face and always puts others before herself. Amazing and Beautiful all the same, this girl is just simply the bee's knees. Sweet and Funny and always making others laugh. The kind of girl you want to call your friend.
Gosh, Rebecca Ann is the nicest girl I've ever met!
425๐ 172๐
This is not a very common name for girls, so if you find some one named this, it must mean they're special, right? ;) She has soft brown/blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, she gives the most amazing hugs and will always bring a smile to your face no matter what your mood is! She falls in love easily so if she's lucky enough to be your girl then remember to shower her with lots of kisses just to show her that no one else means quite as much to you as she does, I guarantee that if you do this that she will no doubt be yours to keep forever :) Just remember to never let her go, you'll never find another quite like her
Girl 1: Who IS that?
Girl 2: Wow, she's gorgeous and has a handsome man by her side, she must be a Charlie-Ann.
30๐ 8๐
like her face, the words and ideas that come out of her mouth are, for the most part, repulsive and disgusting. i like to think of her as the paris hilton of politics - ie; the only reason she's really famous is because she does/says crazy and outrageous things. there is a reason she gets booed off stages and chased away from podiums with pies. ('s because she's a cold heartless bitch)
ann coulter is crazy.
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