Source Code

Sam Bam

a chick who always has to be right even though shes gorgious wont ever agree with you but has ot be right because shes just fuckign amazing.

sam bam decided because it wasnt defined yet that it must be everything else but sam bam.

by <3 Finkles April 3, 2011

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Deaver Bam

The sexual act of a girl licking the bottom rear side of the scrotum, or coinpurse as we say in my town, with the tip of her nose in a mans anus. He then proceeds to grip her throat to stop her breathing then releases immediately post-fart so that her first breath consists a lungful of epic gaseous glory.

Thou shalt not deaver bam.

Dude she deaver bam's like fat bitches eat cake

Deaver bams are messy after eating Chipotle

by cobra commander August 13, 2012

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The noise a lightsaber makes while being pulled out of a bra.

The red lightsabers have better fa-bam than the green ones.

by B.U.S. September 12, 2006

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Bam Margera

not that good of a skater anymore he soldout big time he gets credit for skating that is due to real skaters like thomas and mullen and reynolds or any of the toher true greats and everyone else who does things for the sport not for themselves he was cool before he soldout and now he is just an ass who yells at people after he falls for touching his board as they try to hand it back to him he is obnoxious and will never be one of the best skaters because honestly what has he done that is great
Rodney Mullen-invented pretty much every flat ground trick
Jamie Thomas-leap of faith and the massive 30+ set he did but snapped his board on
Andrew Reynolds-What can't he do switch that he can do regular
i could go on all day listing true pros that should be getting attention for their talents not their stupidity and lack fo respect for everyone

Bam Margera isnt that good people face it

by Respect To The Real Greats September 10, 2005

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bam margera

1/ Creater of the CKY videos.
2/ Huge fan of H.I.M. and director of their music videos from the "Love Metal" album.
3/ The best jackass from the MTV show and movie.
4/ A pro skater with the likes of Element and Adio as sponsers, but honestly isn't the "best" skater ever.

"Why would you say don't when it already happened?!" - Bam Margera CKY3

by Your name September 20, 2003

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castle bam

castle bam is one gnarly, sickass place to live.

Bam Margera lives in castle bam, need i say more

by the_goodies October 27, 2007

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bam margera

Coolest guy on the face of the planet and very sexy and I mean VERY sexy.i would do bucket cars and break my tailbone for him any day!!!!!!!!! I am dead serious about that one.

Bam Margera is mad sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Cindy September 16, 2003

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