A sketchy individual who Flood’s your phone with filthy messages that are meant to be somewhat cryptic in hopes that you’ll give chase.
Mike, this dude is totally Bates’ing me right now, just sent me 10 messages in a row. I can tell all is not as it seems so not gonna dignify with a response.
Irish slang for tired (or shattered)
I'm sorry I'm bate!
Too bate for that shit now to be honest
The description of a god amongst men. With a god like figure and crusty dirty toenails. A figure to be worshiped, followed and looked up to. We aspire to be identical to him and his figure and we are currently trying to transcribe his language, species and what planet it originated from. If you ever happen to cross paths with this thing, watch out for his pretzel attack.
The act of beating one’s girlfriend
“Did you hear perran just did a bates”
The act of interrogating people with questionable integrity
He didn’t like the Saj-bating that followed
To masturbate while at the beach, preferably under a towel or blanket.
Joe: Looks like that guy is masturbatting?
Me:Beach-bate. He is beach-batting
A redneck who is stupid therefore people use them to test out stupid plans. Or the first one to do something stupid.
Savanah and Colton are such hehaw bate