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Birth Control Friend

A woman usually ugly who blocks you from taking her better looking friend home.

Here come Melissa and damn Jenny that fat bitch is the biggest Birth Control Friend (BCF) ever!

by DinoFauci January 8, 2011

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Frum from birth

A person who grew up in a religious jewish home

That girl is wearing all black, she's totally frum from birth

Everyone in boro park is frum from birth

You have to be frum from birth if your name is Chaya mushka

Hot chanis are all ffb

by Chani88880 February 24, 2012

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European birth control

When one finds himself without a condom or has run out, it is the act of anal sex. As anyone who has watched a lot of Euro porn can tell you, anal is as common in Europe as the high-five. And, we do thank-you for that.

"Look at the ass on that babe; I'm hoping for a little European birth control tonight."

by EuroBC November 6, 2013

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birthing suite

A bathroom frequently used by your older brother.

Dude, I gotta make a delivery in the birthing suite.

by robin November 17, 2004

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giving birth to Pazuzu

Death or a close brush thereof.

To die.

Oh shit! I was running away from Santa the other night and I tripped over a cat. Man, i almost gave birth to Pazuzu back there!

by Dutchess of Pork March 19, 2005

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after birth abortion

a slang developed by the anti-more kids agency, headed by George coyne. it is meant for people who cannot afford real abortions, so they wait for the baby to be born, and squish it.

ill do that after birth abortion for free, your kid is ugly.

by George Coyne April 21, 2004

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baptist birth control

See; Anal Sex.

"Did you at least use a condom?"

"No, but it's ok. We used Baptist Birth Control."

by MrChainsaw90 April 3, 2020

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