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camper's hours

Going to bed early, and waking up early – like when you're camping, and sleep sunset to sunrise.

Man, I slept camper's hours last night; I was in bed by 9:00 and up at 5:00!

by sequoiafog May 14, 2016

Doo doo camper

A camper that is better than living in a place where someone is overbearing but is also smelly and the roof is falling in

Let’s go to the ole doo doo camper and watch a movie.

by Alotofnonsense April 7, 2020

Car camper

Camping only in places that are accessible by car; often in a cabin (with a shower and a real bathroom). A person who camps without roughing it; requires more than the bare necessities; sleeps in a car rather than a tent. Someone who is prissy about camping.

He is a car camper, not the kind of person you would see at Woodstock or in 'Man vs. Wild.

by Partner858 July 18, 2010

the happy camper

extended alternative of THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol.
The Happy Camper

Let's have fun when we go camping, we'll be the happiest campers there...

The happy camper stands for THC!

by xhiei September 16, 2010

1👍 8👎

Tamper camper

When you’re playing an first person shooter like call of duty or battlefield and this bitch keeps camping

Man xX_billy_Xx is such a tamper camper

by Cuozzykooz May 4, 2018

Armory camper

In the game Criminality, there are stupid people called armory campers. You have probably heard about this term and want to know what it is. It is just someone with a lack of skill and braincells trying to annoy everyone in the server.

Lets go to armory 1 and get some m4a1's


by Cussyeater42069 March 4, 2023

Drone Camper

A person in a multiplayer game who "Camps" In the drone form of their character usually never leaving spawn.

Once their drone is taken down they usually wait until they can send another one never leaving the back corners of the game.
You will most likely not see one of these players in a match unless directly fought, They will usually lose the match up due to lack of non drone knoledge.

That Drone Camper will not go out and fight he is just sitting there.
I can't stand Drone Campers he won't actually help us!

by kk5dire April 4, 2021