When a finger (aka digit) pokes through the toilet paper and accidentally contributes to the wiping, causing a poopful finger to ensue. Doody on the digit = a doody digit. Otherwise known as a poke through.
Damn, got a doody digit again after attempting to wipe with that shitty, much too thin toilet paper.
A person that you temporarily treat as a close personal friend that which you have met via digital means, i.e. online, IM, mobile, etc, that you affiliate, support, recognize and/or communicate with in some form but yet, you have never physically met "live, or "in person"; face to face.
When I get a heart felt reply, sent to me via text message 2 or 3 months after I sent the original message; I reply to them as a if they are a digital stranger.
A thing you stole from your parents to make a viral YouTube video in 2009
I used a digital camera to make my first YouTube video and it got 5 likes and 4 views.
Something or someone on the internet that becomes an obsession.
This is just too awkward, I need my digital veil.
This occurs when a user tries desperately to upload content to a social media site (photos, videos, status posts, etc.) but is unable to complete the process or "get it up" due to poor network connection or lack of good tech (eg. Apple).
Subsequent failed attempts to upload in rapid succession, especially over the course of a full day, will leave the user frustrated at their inferior technology and rife with feelings of inadequacy.
These negative feelings are further amplified if the content is "fresh" and has the capacity to generate a high degree of likes and shares. This leads to a loss of followers, and ultimately a deflated ego and sense of self for the user.
Jim: "For fuck's sake Rich, help me! Ever since I upgraded to iOS 10, I can't upload this video of Hilary Clinton giving Trump a limp dutch rudder."
Richard: "I'm sorry Jim, I cannot help you with your Digital Impotence."
A word describing a finger after it's been used to finger some pussy
Mate, i was with this bird earlier... now i got a pure cunt digit , wana smell??
Digital scrapbooker is the person who creates scrapbook that is done using a personal computer, digital or scanned photos and computer graphics software. This profession is also known as a custom scrapbook designer.
Each digital scrapbooker has a personal scrapbooking style. As a digital scrapbooker, I am able to branch out to the many needs of clients and conform to what your individual style is.