A term coined by DIA officials: "falsehoods – such as asserting that Iran has killed more Americans than al Qaeda in the 21st century" reuters.com article "Commentary: Flynn facts: a threat to national security"
Flynn facts are a threat to national security
A T-Fact is a stat or scenario that is horribly over exaggerated. It may potentially just be completely false.
Bro did you hear that story he told?
Yeah, it’s a major T-Fact tho. No WAY that actually happened.
Repeating something obscure found on the internet, as if it was true.
The earth is flat, is a Steve Fact.
A fact said with conviction that has no truth to it.
"Royal's has 3 franchises in WA" said Jack. Jack fact....
Truth brought to you from Boss Kalias life.
Kaalia once skipped school for two days. Now those days are called Saturday and Sunday which are holidays for everyone. Just Kalia facts.
An Ashton fact is a fact where you aren't quite sure of it's truth. It could be true... but is it ?
"He told me that in the future, only 1% of English will be how it is today!" "Hmm, idk dude, sounds a bit like an ashton fact to me."
An answer based on just the facts that can be proven.
How do you know, dude? I know because there is actual evidence ...my opinion on the topic is fact-based, yo.