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Another double standard of a feminist- It's a real shocker when a male is single, and its okay for a female to make comments and remarks about what she thinks of the guy, but for a male to do the same, to notice its a real shocker that the girl is single and make comments and remarks about it is what she calls something like petty.

To a feminist, things are only one-sided when the other sex does it, and double standards are only double standards when the other sex does it (which is by definition, going by a double standard, the same you preach against).

by Solid Mantis September 26, 2019

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A dumass women who thinks she knows everything but just wants more money

β€œAll women are feminist and must stand up!”

β€œMan, that sucks but I don’t remember asking”

by FlimFlop November 30, 2020

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A (female) how believes that the most dominant gender of people should be female.

You believe that men are filthy and should be less than women, you"re a feminist.

by 123humor August 18, 2017

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A person who laughs hysterically at the penises who have the nerve to whine about the evil evil feminists while the penises are the ONLY REAL victims because - and get that - they are also discriminated against and actually have to open doors and go to war and those horrible objects called women - yeah, get that - really didn't have it that bad.

They were only defamed by every religious text, burnt as witches, robbed of their right to receive an education, vote and own property in a marriage up until the 19th century. 13 year old girls in Afghanistan are being married off to 60 year old abusers and dare complain. Yeah, the whimps.

Look here, strong men, we go to war, open the doors, and earn the money (all things we do anyway) and you bear the children.


Yeah, didn't think so.

Bobby Tom (IQ 27): Oh man, I hate those chicks ... those, what's the word ... feminists. They steal out thunder, man. We are the real victims. Dude, I took this chick on a date, Chuck E. Cheese, and I totatally had to pay the bill. I want equality!
Jason (IQ 120): You poor soul. But if you want real equality, that would mean that they have to pay the bill but we have to push living, breathing beings out of our bodies. Do you want that, Bobby Tom?

by The Happy Humanist January 17, 2010

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A type of person who gets extremely offended over stupid shit

Mark:I went to the store and asked where the milk was and this bitch got all offended saying I was sexually harassing her and shit
Tommy: what a fucking feminist

by William hb July 5, 2018

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A person that fights for female rights
fem = female
ist = rights activist

2. used for females that ruin the reputation of the word, these females can fit in the following stereotypes
* hates men
* gets TRIGGERED over small things.
* hates white people
* calls white males CIS white SCUM

1. I fight for female rights so I consider myself a feminist
2. feminist: whats your name? guy: Hugh Mungus. feminist (TRIGGERED) SEXUAL ABUSE! youtuber commenting: look at that feminist, being triggered.

by goanna678 July 18, 2017

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A feminist is a any body who believes in equality for all sexes

Being a feminist gives you a better outlook on life.

by Candy121 December 27, 2017

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