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Church wife

A term Jim Layne uses while attempting to flirt in order to persuade the woman putting up with his harassment to consider their relationship as something special.

When are you going to show up at work? I came in for a hug from my church wife and your sic not here.
Jim Layne

by skizzad November 30, 2017

Church Announcement

An unwanted announcement that an audience feels obligated (or pressured) to stay to listen to at the end of a service or meeting, often provided with extraneous details and information or a request for the audience to take action to participate. At the end of a meeting, someone might mention, "I have a quick church announcement". This implies that the speaker recognizes the audience is ready to leave, but also takes advantage of the opportunity to promote an upcoming event, a request for volunteers, a request for funds, or anything else that they need from that audience that they recognize the audience may not want to hear, but may be guilted into obliging. The irony is, they are rarely "quick".

I have a quick church announcement.

by CtownBishop July 6, 2022

Church Face

The look on someones face of utter disapproval and disgust characterized by an attitude of moral superiority while outwardly saying Jesus loves you.

When I was parking my car at the store listening to my loud music a lady walked by staring at me with her church face judging me.

by unXXown June 21, 2023

big church

The sermon part of church.

Often used by kids coming out of Sunday School

Man I would come to church all the time if it wasn't for the big church part...

by MadPaintbox November 28, 2018

church gay

When you fear being gay due to not being accepted by culture, parents, or the church so you hook up with the closet person that looks like the same sex as you. Hence a guy would date a woman that looked like a guy. A girl would date a guy that looked like a girl.

"Yo, did you see John's wife, at first I thought he was gay, then I found out he was married to a lady; however, not that I seen his wife it's confirmed, he's church gay". I thought she was a man at first.

by Brit&Jason September 22, 2016

A church girl

Its a meme on youtube from Jan 22 2013 and say "I want a church girl that goes to church aNd ReAdS hEr bIbLe!" Or just a girl that goes to church

Dave:Hey did you see that one meme about a church girl? James:Yeah that was funny. Or, "Hey there goes a church girl".

by Jay_Theasurus May 16, 2022

Church Fart

adjective; an offensively funny person.

Do you know my cousin Cletus? Oh, you have to meet him, he’s a real church fart!

by Panthernopanth January 30, 2022