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When a colleague has one too many sick days, one can refer to the saying 'more days off than hot dinners'.

With so many hot dinners, anyone would think Lisa had the Black Lung or something!

by Bustybonnie September 28, 2010

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Breakfast for Dinner

A sexual inneuendo for oral sex.

I'm really excited to have breakfast for dinner with Chloe.

by Socks22 August 2, 2017

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The Dinner Club

A small group of roughly ten members that meets regularly on Friday evenings around a heaping platter of steak, chalupas, Diet Coke and Mentos, or any other notably manly dinner entree (usually prepared by a restaurant of some kind). Dinner locations are chosen prior to the meetings, and can range anywhere from Taco Bell to IHOP, depending on current funds and transportation availability.
Post-dinner, members will take anywhere from five to ten minutes within the parking lot discussing what type of shenanigans will ensue. Activities amongst members include (but are not limited to) hedgediving, octopus-hot-sauce-tomfoolery, moving benches, replacing desktop wallpapers, football, launching frozen rice, Scattegories, shopping cart races, nature walks, jumping on poo covered trampolines, lawl-she's-so-hot conversations, munging, munging with teachers, mung offs, Nintendo DS battles, kitten huffing, Tenacious D lipsinkage, defecating on grills, cutting ourselves (on gravel), wenis yanking, kidney poking, going richter, consuming Boss Sauce, loitering, breaking curfew, making horrible Wii puns, street racing, holding indepth discussions about topics that don't have much depth, Slim Jimming, walking down memory lane, glass bottle basketball, loving Little Girls, and anomously cybering with said girls (and by "said girls" we mean "a medieval Knight").

See awesome.
Also see batshit crazy.
Thirdly, see safety.
Finally, if you are not currently a member of TDC, please see gtfo.

All your base are belong to The Dinner Club.

by The Dinner Club February 26, 2007

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Dinner Punishments

When you eat food that tastes bad for your stomach and throw up or bin the food in general and then you are told to do the washing up for the dishes used to make the terrible food.

Person 1: - Well I'm tired from spending ages on making that food.
Person 2: - {Sees the shopping quick dinner box on counter} I thought it tasted terrible.
Person 1: - Well, you know how I did the cooking?
Person 2: - {Continues to throw up}
Person 1: - You can do the washing up.
Person 2: - Fine {Rolls eyes and thinks *Dinner Punishments*}

by Dark Fox Zeurra May 20, 2010

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laughing with dinner

vomiting... comes from chuck - chuckle - to laugh.

That guy got so drunk, he's laughing with dinner, all over the dog

by C. Duffy January 11, 2004

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dinner plate

Refering to the girl you have sexual intercourse with as dinner.

that girl with me is just my dinner plate.

by jacktheriper June 21, 2011

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Dinner and a Roofy

A simple maneuver in which the male asks
the woman out to dinner and a movie.
During dinner, the male and slyly places a roofy into the females champagne or wine. Similar to the Slamscam.

Man 1: Hey friend, how'd your date go last night?

Man 2: It was awesome, but during dinner she became aggravatingly annoying!

Man 1: You didn't!


Man 1: I love mistreating women!

by Maximum Schizophrenia May 16, 2009

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