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Gash Cabinet

Womens Underwear

She let me rummage in her gash cabinet

by Blanka33 September 3, 2009


Yet another name for a lesbian. So-named for the lesbian predilection for gobbling each other's gashes.

That nightclub is a branch of the Lesbyterian Church and you'll find plenty of gash-gobblers there!

by GAZZA_L November 20, 2016

gash points

A scoring system designed to allow the fair distribution of sexual favours. Gash points may be achieved by the display of wit, athleticism, physical attributes (ie' genitals) intelligence, skills and wealth.

Playing the guitar while doing pressups? That's worth twenty gash points!

by scottsman_too_hotsman March 7, 2009

gash cleansing

To clean and purify the female vagina using sterilisation methods or magical techniques after a horde of unsanitary sexual encounters

"Mate she needs a good gash cleansing after that vicious gang bang"

by Theneckfromhell August 30, 2016

gash bonanza

A gash bonanza is to a disproportionately large number of women at a given event as a sausage fest is to a disproportionately large number of men at a given event.

"There is a total gash bonanza going on in this club tonight."

by Kitty McStabbe April 8, 2010

Gash Attack

When a guy has a lot of gash around him (e.g at a party, club, internet. ) and can't control his emotions of his penis and cums every where.

Player 1: Did you hear about the gash attack last night , I heard it was messy?
Player 2: Yeah it was me.
Player 1: You are a lad

by Hero19 December 20, 2011


Someone (generally a female) who is a narcissistic, manipulative, lying, entitled piece of shit and flaunts it.

When Trump says, "I'll grab her in the pussy," he showed what a true gash-casket he is.

by Maddy Bear October 15, 2016

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