When your life is in ruins or your just messing around with the boys
Hey man, I'm going through stuff, Oh just give me cash!
Heeeeeeey, give me cash by dude!
A parody of "just give me my money!"
Person1:Just give me my monkey!
Person 2:Wheyyy!
When you are hungry for young boys
Nick Jones had a silly billy give me wet chilli when he saw a young boy
Typical quote from a hungry student.
Often used before, during, and after lectures at universities.
Refers to common situations when poor and malnourished students scavenge for food among other, luckier in life fiends.
Sne being a diminutive form from Snezana, name lately gaining much popularity in Dublin. One can find great examples of Sniezanas at DCU (Dublin City University), where they tend to share food, especially during spanish language classes!
Sne Sne, tengo mucha hambre, why u no give me food, por favooor ! ! ! !
sne , u give me food ?
when you see and want to be like someone who is doing way better in life than you
*ana has good grades, a loyal bf, and is rich*
tori: give me your game card bitch
ana: what does that mean?
tori: i love your lifestyle & i wanna be like you !
Used to basically ask how something was done, a form of saying teach me
*girl gets a promise ring and flowers from her boyfriend* “I got flowers from my boyfriend today!” “give me your game card”
A non-specfic day in the year dedicated to giving the person writing this, a crisp 50 dollar bill, and a kiss on the cheek.
" Its give me money day ! You should give me some cash B) "