When a series of catastrophic events strike at one's life mercilessly, relentlessly, and leave one with kamikaze impulses.
Billy was so fuckin blown away by the ill fortune that came his away suddenly -- verily, it was like rolling pearl harbors -- that we huddled and pitied the next relationship he got into. She would pay, whoever she was -- and pay.
When you're giving someone a traditional pearl necklace, but you slip up a little and leave a big pool of cum that resembles a harbor.
I was trying to do a Jackson Pollock, but I did a Rothko; it was a pearl harbor necklace.
America's Amsterdam, not only did the dutch settle here, half of Oak harbor's and Hollands' people smoke weed everyday, thinking they have 300 IQ but in reality they have ⅑.⁵⁵⁸ of that. The autism buses probably have yelling kids everyday (no offence lol) 💀
1. Hey i wanna go to oak harbor
2. Sry but everyone will either be yelling or smoke weed
1. Ok then how about i stick with my cute tókýó uwu
A low-quality city in Washington, nothing to do, corporate playground. Other than English, most people either speak Tagalog, Spanish or UwU.
Please send me to oak harbor daddy UwU~
A small town that is not even a town, but a village in north west ohio. its neighbor Port Clinton has a bunch of white trash and thinks they are the best at everything. Oak Harbor High thinks that they are a football school when in reality Softball and Soccer are the best sports there. It consists of Fuckboys, whores, two faced people, emo people, and people who play fetch and bark in the hallways. dont forget about the nicotine addicts and the stoners. Keston is the coolest person at school and his whole friend group. oh and Will is the professional pizza maker of Oak Harbor and Andan is the professional Ice Cream maker of Oak Harbor
wanna go to Oak Harbor?
Fair harbor
A place for the more relaxing side of the island. Filled with kids who grow up together, and stay friends for life!!! From a little age your friends because your island crew. You walk to Unfriendly Ice Cream, the pioneer market, and you cannot forget the most beatiful beach in the world. Fair Harbor is the place to be featuring the most amazing sunset in the world. This place is where rainy days are still happy days. Of course there are a few rules
Go barefoot
Be respectful of the others
Tourists suck (only on the 4th of July)
Locals are the people to be around
Fair Harbor doesn’t do tourists, it’s all locals!!!
Fair Harbor is amazing
Fair Harbor Fire Island is a small town in Fire Island NY.
A cool guy but coughs in people’s faces.
Disgusting, but cool.
Also, he likes Jimi Hendrix.
“Harbor Price is ROCKING out!”