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attached to the hip

means to be with someone all the freakin time

Me: You see that couple over there ?

Dave: Yea, they're always together.
Me: Ha , i guess they're attached to the hip.

by Donny Boy 8413 October 1, 2013

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hip Notch

Hip Notch is the fusion of top notch and hip. It is where hip meets top notch or when something popular and of high quality is also trendy and cool. Usually hipness and popularity are negatively correlated; that is, as things become more popular they also become less hip.

Top Notch is when both occur simultaneously, or as stated above, when top notch meets hip.

TED and YouTube are Hip Notch. John Stewart and Steven Colbert are Hip Notch. Ultimate Frisbee, surfing, snowboarding, etc, are also examples. President Obama was Hip Notch but is becoming increasingly less so (like Facebook). Myspace is not Hip Notch.

by datkiti June 15, 2010

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Hudson Hips

A female USMA cadet who has eaten too much Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Thereby gaining extra weight around the hips. This is what primarily gives all trou their infamous figure.

"Dude, that trou's got major Hudson Hips man... It must be from all that Ben and Jerry's"

by Central Area Walker November 6, 2009

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snake hips

The sexy muscle that guys get that runs down in a V shape from their hips.

most girls are in love with them.
even guys admit they're sexy.

also known as: penis lines and Abercrombie V

"omg that guy is so hot."
"have you seen his snake hips?"
"he has snake hips?" *drools*

by Jiggi December 4, 2005

69πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


"hip-hop" slang word for cocaine or llello

gangsta> ay yo you wanna buy some hip-hop?

white kid> uh.. na

gangsta> shiit, saggin yo pants dont want no hip-hop?

white kids friend> what the fuck is hip-hop? was he talkin about music? whatever lets go back to da crip, nahmean?

by kriegz July 20, 2006

125πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


hip-hop entrepreneur = hip-hopreneur

The following is a short list naming those that are classified as a hip-hopreneur:

Russell Simmons - Def Jam Records, Phat Farm, DefCon Energy Drink
Jay-Z - Roc-A-Fella Records, Rocawear, S. Carter
Diddy - Bad Boy Entertainment, Sean John, Sean John Elite, Sean John Wheels, Sean John Fragrance
Lil Jon - BME Recordings, Crunk Juice
Nelly - Derrt Ent., Pimp Juice, Apple Bottoms
50 Cent - G-Unit Records, G-Unit Clothing, Glaceau Vitamin Water

by Hip-Hopreneur July 26, 2006

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

hip pocket

A short informal period of instruction. Given on the spur of the moment. Corrects a deficiency.

The intent of this hip pocket class is not to make you all qualified to teach at a formal school.
Rather, it’s intent is to give you the skills to so that you can teach in a professional manner during these types of situations.

by ViperX24 January 28, 2015

15πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž