to describe something that is good, in any nature, from minute to grand regardless of it's actual significance; can be used by it's lonesome or in a sentence
Harry: He's one-shot top green; chasing; got him, dead
Larry: Huge, Huge, Huge
Barry: Hop on kid. We have to shit on kids.
Terry: Aight, one sec, I'm taking a shit.
Barry: Huge
Gary: Hey man! Long time no see! How have you been lately?
Jerry: Alright, I guess. My dad passed away a week ago.
Gary: Damn man, I'm sorry to hear about that. What about your mom?
Jerry: She's alright as far as I know.
Gary: Huge.
The act of a male getting together with another male, pulling your pants down and racing to see who can get a full erection quicker.
Yesterday I was huging with so many guys. I won all 6 times, but I was light-headed during the last one that I almost passed out.