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a term used when your unsure about what to say over the internet

the only logical thing to say was lol

by joeyjoejoejajoe May 24, 2009

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lol=laugh out loud. from a very stupid fat man (or woman)=love our lard!

Example 1
(via text)Guy 1: Dude, your so fat!
Guy2: lol D:
Example 2
(via email)Guy 1: hay ur fat
Guy 2: lol cause you are too

by duntalktomeimtoocool February 24, 2011

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Commonly used to say "laugh out loud", but often not used to say it. People often type this in with out any actual expression, instead they use it as a conversation filler. Also used when you don't want to express how much you don't care about something, as to not hurt their feelings. This is also commonly used when your not paying attention to what the person is saying. Or they say something really long, and you don't want to read it. This description, for instance.

Conversation One:
Guy 1: Dude, I totally pwned this guy at school today. Hes like, "Man, I could beat you into a bloody pulp" and I'm like "I bet you don't even know what y=mx+b means." Then he punched me. It hurt

Guy 2: lol

Conversation Two:
Guy 1: I'm so angry!! My girl friend is such a whore!!

Guy 2: lol

Conversation Three:
Guy 1: Hey what's up?

Guy 2: Nothing much you?

Guy 1: Nothing.

Guy 2: lol

by Fesuasda February 19, 2009

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1.Laughin out loud
2.a verbally expressed expression by people who spend way to much fricken time on the computer

2."oh that's so funny, lol" ____said

by pnkrckd13 June 9, 2005

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A slang that used to stand for "Laugh out loud" but now frequently represents slight humor and acknowledgement of what is said. If someone was seriously laughing, instead of lol they would type LMAO or LMFAO! Lol is just another way to bump the conversation.

Someone: omfg, my dad took my car away from me!
someone2: lol... yea now we can't go to wal-mart.

by anonymous_user June 17, 2005

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funny, laughing, giggling

we all started laughing.....LOL......jokes

by lisa12345678 May 6, 2009

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It means "Laughing out Loud". A common internet slang.
lolz is a retarded version of lol, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111one

idiot: d00d u uze lol ensted od lolz????????????????????////////////u r zo stoopit lolzzzzz
person: wtf??

by MaggieC June 17, 2005

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