Source Code

lucky buggar

a lucky buggar ist just a kid who's really lucky to have/can do/be allowed to do/get (whatever)

"Hey! I found the last golden ticket for Willy Wanker's Chocolate factory!"
"You lucky buggar."

Meaning: *just fuck off, how dare you get something I don't and then go tell me about it? bloody hell!*

by mariquelle November 17, 2008

9👍 9👎

Lucky Maker

A Fucking prick who copied Vince's avatar. He looks like a fat ass duck who injected twelve pounds of heroin every video. He is also a Png Tuber which makes him Fatherless. He has been challenged to a fight by V1nce so he won't be here for long.

Luci: You know that dumb ass duck called Lucky Maker.

Black Hooder Lul: That dumb ass drug addicted duck. Yeah he ain't gonna be here for long.

by Fatherless Monkey June 18, 2022

Lucky Corner

The corner of the room that you decide to shit in.

Darla found her lucky corner.

by Master of Tshirts July 2, 2022

The Lucky N

The lucky n is a sexual creature who always sounds like a donkey

The lucky N likes to ask glitzy images from people

by THE OPIKATI May 21, 2021

lucky sausage

when you just took a shit and you don't have to wipe because your ass is clean

yoo I just had a lucky sausage! thank god I didn't have to wipe!

by dennste February 8, 2018

Lucky Shits

The bodily refuse that occurs as a by product of eating too much Lucky Charms breakfast cereal. Usually green in color due to the food dyes contained in the marshmallows, the shade may vary based on how much cereal is actually consumed.

I had a bad case of the Lucky Shits today. It was all because I ate half the box of Lucky Charms this morning. The cereal is magically delicious, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

by TheLuckyPooper July 31, 2021

Lucky Lands

A bad place for looting and getting guns.

Friend: Ay b0ss lets go to Lucky Lands.
Other Friend: No wtf leave the party right now.
Friend: No.
Other Friend: Okay.

by clubpenguinplusrobloxislife April 8, 2018