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the main vein


My bladder is so full I think its time to drain the main vein

by Xeroman November 23, 2015

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Warden Main

His name is Ian and he is probably a simp and only plays women

That player is definitely a warden main

by ELEISHWINN September 9, 2020

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

main nizzle

Most senior african american business partner.

Pimp these hoes? Fo' shizzle mah main nizzle!

by phx May 31, 2003

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ashe main

Probably the most handsom human on planet, benches at LEAST 600 pounds. 6 " 5' and plays the hero ashe in overwatch

Yo? is that Neuu on the enemy team?? hes an ashe main

by Neuu April 5, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Zoe main

A person who suffers from World War II flashbacks and cancer, hated by League of Legends, and has a constant need to one shot anyone who opposes him, her or it.

Jerry: I’m a Zoe main
Tom: Don’t touch me

by Gey for Bois December 27, 2017

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

main bitch

A term for a relationship with a woman that must be sexual, but explicitly cannot be a dating relationship. Implies a lack of any commitment, but further implies that it is the most significant relationship said person has at the given time. The "main bitch" has the ability to get closer than other girls to her man emotionally, but probably doesn't want to if she knows that she is his "main bitch". With that being said, this is the only sexual relationship the man has at the time that even remotely has a chance of working out in the long run, though this chance is still infintesimally small.

Yo girls, my main bitch is calling, I gotta split out on you ladies. It was good getting to meet you though, we can hook up tomorrow. Peace

by Z mizzle October 22, 2007

218πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Bastion Main

A bastion main is a guy who has no family or life and will never have such things. So, he or she picks the Overwatch character "Bastion," only to fuck with other people's lives. The bastion main can be mainly found in comp & Quick Play, it's their natual habitat.

Man, FUCK that bastion main!

by I_Got_Barzzzzzzzx April 10, 2017

34πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž