an absolutely offensive term for a black man that white men tend to use a lot before the Civil War; they use it even now, but not as much
Jake: (huff-puff-huff-puff-grunt-sigh-groan)I can't do this. This is hard work. (stops work)
Bob: What's that you said, you insufferable nigger? Get back to work, you infernal beast!
Jake: Argh. Nothing, sir. (continues work)
Bob: You deserve a good whipping! It'll sure make a good nigger outta ya!
Jake: Uh-oh....
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nigga, niggah -
Taken from the word 'Negro' which was used by white people upon their African slaves, as a way of defining them from white people. Negro coming from the Spanish word for the colour Black.
Used in a term of respect or hatred, depending on the colour of your skin or your belifes.
Regarded as rasist if said by a white person to a person of black skin.
Yet can be used as a mark of respect from one black person to another, in youth culture.
Can be confusing in certain situations due to the fact only the black race can use the word, which has opposite meaning in a convisation.
"You niggers should go back to your own country!"
"Yeah. Thats my nigga! That's how we do it round here!"
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You see that guy?
Yeah, look at him, he's a nigger.
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Nigger isn't a racial term, it means spatula, and a spatula is a cooking utensil.
I'm preparing eggs and I cannot find your nigger. Check the silverware drawer, I believe I have three of them.
When cooking flapjacks, I use a select nigger, it's choice.
I've destroyed my best pan with a metal nigger.
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Has nothing to do with the color of one's skin or race. Can be from anywhere, any race, any origin. Nasty, lazy, thieving, low intelligence, trashy, inbred, disgraceful, no morals, stupid, hoodlum. Term used by most that are truthful about that kind of person and that do not play the politically correct BS that is trying to be forced on them by the real life niggers that want to bring the world down to their level.
If you are going to fix it, do it right. Don't nigger rig it!
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noun. History: First used in the year 1515 by Europeans slaveholders and slave masters when ships of cargo -- comprising of kidnapped and purchased Africans -- reached the New World, the present-day Americas, including the Caribbean.
Origins: From the Latin word 'necro' meaning "dead"; From the Italian word 'nekro' meaning "dead"; translated to the English word Negro, the first form of the word 'nigger'.
Meaning: A dead, inanimate object, as slave holders, slave masters, and slave buyers perceived the Africans to be -- non-human objects that were socially, civilly, economically, spiritually, and intellectually dead.
"Those niggers are just savages and heathens, anyway."
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To define a black person that doesn't know where they orignally came from.
that african american black man is a real nigger, my Nigga!LOL!
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