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A dude that looks a like a bowling pin or bro from fish hooks

Man my ex boyfriend looks like a bowling pin I'm lucky I didn't hit a strike and his name is oscar

by Theorginalbigdaddy00 October 30, 2017

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Oscar is very ugly and is sometimes very annoying or maybe all the time. He likes to start a lot of drama/problems. He is very very stupid.

" EWWWW oscar said hi to me today!!."

by Oscarisugly April 10, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


a name given to a person that is faking or overexaggerating their drunkeness.

1.Man, look at Steve. He has only had three beers. What an oscar.

2.Quit being an oscar, you just started drinking ten minutes ago.

3.THis guy was totally oscarring, he only had two beers.

4.Quit being an oscar, youre not drunk
I think you get the point.

by Andrew Smith April 3, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


a piece of crap who thinks he is the shit even though no one likes him. he gets all the pity because no one likes him. His ego is so big that its hard for him to walk into a room. Because he made varsity to sit the bench the whole season, he thinks he's cool.

Omg i just wana punch that oscar kid in the face
guy 1: hey did u see that guy on varsity?
Guy 2: no man he is an oscar he acutely sucks

Guy 1: oh ok i take that back then

by fat griggs January 28, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.a piece of shit usually a mexican.
2.a very poor beaner.
3.a gay guy that like monkeys.
4.lives in a shack usually with a crazy beaner mom.
5.very very very poor.

"Damm oscar your poor!"

by michael awesome January 6, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best guy ever with amazing jokes and friends. He is a person who will care for you and encourage you to the end of the universe. A friend to all who are king, caring and wonderful like him.

Friend: Hey Oscar! Wanna go to the park later
Oscar: sure friend let's go!

by TheAnimalWhispherer350 October 10, 2018

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A man that has incredible spelling skills and is a great writer.

He also is big don that thinks he can do maths But has a dark creepy side to him and looks like a nonce

Has a big dong that dangles down to his knees. Very thicc

Yo oscar u DONNN. Show me that big dong

by Ching ching chicken wing May 21, 2019

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