A cold, snowy, yet, gorgeous ski town, filled with snobbish rich people who walk in front of your car like the mindless yuppy yetis that they are.
I can't wait to escape this Yeti Farm & live in the sunshine... I will still visit to ski, but it will be nice to not have to shovel zillions of pounds of snow just so I can drive amongst the yetis.
1. Castration
2. Humiliation to the highest degree
You just got your potatoes farmed in Halo, like the trick ass skiz-ank you are. Oh-Na!
When a load is blown up some one's ass and another follows up by removing the load from said ass with a crazy straw.
I walked in on my gay room mate and he was shrimp farming a pud scout dressed as an indian.
Nursing home, old folks home, retirement home
When Bob gets old he's going to the fox farm
synonym for whorehouse or brothel
Hey, I got an extra 200$ let's go get some action at the oyster farm.
When you unknowingly spend hours on the facebook app, FarmVille, causing you to be late for prior engagements.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I would've been here sooner but I had farm lag."