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Pixel Worlds

Game like Growtopia, also called "PW", but their support and moderation is known to be very poor.
They also made the main currency, World Locks, untradable.

1) A: Hey, have you heard about Jake, the admin of Pixel Worlds?
B: Yeah, he is an asshole.
A: How so?
B: For example, he banned an account for 41 days for swearing, while he said "bullshit" on his livestream.
A: Wow yeah, what an asshole.

2) A: Hey, want to buy the new wings for 50 World Locks in Pixel Worlds?
B: Did you hear that world locks are now untradable?
A: Yeah, just give me the equivalent in the new arbitrary currency they use.

by Ondrashek06 November 8, 2021

Dead Pixels

Dead Pixels (short for Dead Pixels Ghost Club or DPGC) are a collection of pixel-perfect ghost NFTs on the Hedera network, with various fun traits making each one completely unique. These little spirits are here to create some lighthearted ruckus, send good vibes, and support the community.

I thought my Dead Pixels Ghost vanished but then I remembered I left it in another wallet.

by 01001100 01000101 01000100 August 13, 2024

Pixel 6 Pro


Yo I got the new Pixel 6 Pro


by UrbanMandrusia December 2, 2023

pixelized rain

just a random thing that popped into my head

pixelized rain in urban dictionary

by poipeoplepersone February 11, 2022


A verb referring to placing pixels in Pixelplanet

"I am pixelling"

by Sumsar October 22, 2024

jay pixel penis

It's a definition to bully Jaypyxl

cuh 1: Robust: look at that jay pixel penis
cuh 2: I heard jay pixel penis likes me

by Jaypyxl May 16, 2022


Individually represented virtual soldiers, usually infantry, particularly those which are programmed to panic or rout under fire.

The term is presently restricted primarily to the Combat Mission community.

"Short of a blunder on the part the German commander, I've got no hope of taking the cemetery, so I'm just going to offer a cease-fire and dig in. There's no point in sending my remaining pixel-trupen to their deaths."

by PBI January 12, 2010