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Andre, Fix and his other game names

no example, hes already a gay fagr0t

by Anonymous February 7, 2003

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Someone (usually girls) who pretends to be someone they're not usually to fit in with a crowd

person in pink hanging out with goths is a poser

by Kinky Kid October 29, 2006

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A poser is someone who dresses a way to fit in a group of kids that they are not. Usually posers talk way to much about a subject such as skateboarding that they arent even good at. There never seen skating but are seen at skateparks just sitting or just riding around not doing any tricks. When i see somebody wearing a Bam shirt or have a Bam board i see them as a poser. Dont wear element or adio, birdhouse, blind, or shorty's.If you wear a pink shirt, face it your gay dont wear pink. If you want to look cool or dress like you know what to wear my suggestions are: 10 DEEP is the shit, dope as fuckkk, Krew, RVCA pronounced as (rooka) if anybody tells you different tell them they're an idiot first then tell them that they're wrong. Acitve is dope i think, lakai, lrg, dgk, matix, nixon, and some Zoo York. You will deffinetly not look like a poser if you wear those brands with some CCS pants or Krew pants. They talk the talk but dont walk the walk. They listen to certain bands or rappers that other people listen to cuz they dont know what to listne to or becuase thats what everybody else listens to.

Poser: Yeah dude i skate i have a pink bam skateboard. My dad built me a box and a quaterpipe.

Cool Guy: Hey im gonna go say hi to shannon and chelsea right now so i'll call you later.

by Garret B is hella gay hahahaha July 29, 2006

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Someone acting like something they're not.

Like someone trying to speak ghetto, when they're asian or something.

Marshal: You're dumb.
AznBoi: nigguh please.
Marshal: LOL What the fuck?? HAHAHA you think you're black or something? Look in the mirror, you're not black, you're not an anime character. You're fuckin asian, stop trying to be black.
Marshal: I'll be expecting a dumb response so go ahead, come at me. I want to see if theres a limit to your retarded mind.
AznBoi: *sigh* fine.. i'll stop being a poser.

by Kebong September 26, 2006

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Everyone is a poser. Even if you think you arent a poser, you acually are a poser.

The only way to not be a poser is to go around and call everyone else but yourself a poser and make them kill themselves. Then your are scene

Omg, I am so scene, Johnny killed himself last week cause I said he was a poser.

by Travis Cole September 21, 2005

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One who listens to other peoples music and trys to think they know about the band.

Justin(poser) saw Travis listening to Iced earth so he talks to Travis and thinks he knows about them. usualy associated with wagz.

by Gervin March 20, 2006

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Somebody who pretends to like something because they wish they looked like the people that actually do like that something.

Josh: looks at Andrew's shirt Wow, I never knew you listened to Sublime!
Andrew: No man, this shirt just looked cool
Josh: What a poser...


Matt: Dude, I LOVE Sublime!
Josh: You're such a poser, you only know one of their songs

by s&s April 15, 2007

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