Is the child of Nux Taku and Project Melody.
"He will become the strongest Hentai Protagonist in the world and you know I'm serious because I said the world not Za Warudo." -Nux Taku 2020
Project Taku is defined as the next step of Flexolution and has the potential to conquer Za Warudo with the power of Memes.
The ability to close one's eyes and feel as if as surrounded by wallabies, kangaroos, and koalas despite actual, physical reality.
A business exchange student in Alabama, Liam was able to occasionally escape the unmitigated political horrors he found himself exposed to by using the austral projection techniques he learned as a teenager from watching Fiona Goddard DVDs.
Somebody in the projects that are up coming famous people or trying to be famous.
Rae instagram is lit,
Yeah he’s a project mane
Project Triplets - Having 3 children due around the same time by 3 different women. So thankful this is based off a white guy and not a black man... Yet!
Susie just found out her childs douchebag father now has project triplets on the way. GOT EEM!!!!
K - Kings
People who don't understand the plot are stupid.
"Yoooo I don't understand K Project"
"You're stupid"
An Analouge Horror ARG based around 4 dinguses called Redd, Melody, Frost, and Rodney. I could tell you the lore, but you can find out for yourself. It originated as a FNaF fangame (I think Redd and the Rockstars?) but then evolved into a Scratch ARG and then evolved into a game that functions like Andy's Apple Farm (Redd and Friends: The Birthday Bash) and also had a YouTube series planned alongside it but then that got scrapped and now it's a YouTube series, and the game (Still called Redd and Friends: The Birthday Bash) will no longer function like Andy's Apple Farm. I hope that's a good enough summary for you. Also, Episode One of The Falovo Project is currently not out. Cry about it.
Person 1: hey have you watched The Falovo Project Episode One yet?
Person 2: nah how about you?
Person 3: all of you stfu it's not out yet
A ROBLOX scented con game revolving around fucking people in the ass, hanging out, or sending people to Brazil
Brad: "Yo did you see Jason the other day, he was in Project B, that ROBLOX sex game."
Eric: "That fucking prick."