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Richards Muscle

The muscle in your forearm you get from masturbating.

Look how big his Richards muscle is!

by joshperson April 25, 2010

Richard Locomotion

Richard Locomotion (rɪʧərd ˌloʊkəˈmoʊʃən)
is a word synonymous to the phrase, "dick move"
Dick is usually the nickname given to people who are named Richard--
Locomotion is a synonym to the word move (movement)--
Hence, Dick move = Richard locomotion

Wow, he just tripped that old man, dick move, man.
I say, that chap has just purposefully done an action that led to that elderly citizen stumbling and falling down, richard locomotion, sir.

by Bagsolodel December 12, 2021

Richard Goddard

The name of an angry, testosterone fuelled South African whose primary purpose of being on earth is to cause as much shit as possible. Lives for his Rugby and occasionally play's on wing (when he can be bothered). Loves the Evil Dead trilogy and often finds himself watching James Bond films on Sunday. With an affinity for everything creative, his mellow side shines (for about 10 seconds) until the urge kicks in to do something wacko. A kill first ask questions later type of guy, impulsivity rules above all. Blonde all Brunette it's all the same to him

Yo, Jacob was doing a Richard Goddard on friday!

by Johnny speedway July 14, 2020

A Richard Picture

When a polite gentlemen, after courting a woman of his choosing with extraneous flirtation and philatio, unbuttons his pants and shovels out his Sir Penis, which in them he will take a photography device also of his choosing and snapping some very chivalric and sexual pictures of his trouser snake. After this, he politely sends this picture to his woman, and then they get together and fuck.

Samuel- Listen, so I was talkin' to this fine woman, her name was Sara, and I sent her a Richard Picture after talking for a little while.
Eugene-Hah, I'm sure she enjoyed it?
Samuel-We had sex.

by Jack Bülshivik February 10, 2015

16👍 1👎

Richard Pryor

1 December 1940 - 10 December 2005

A brilliant comedian and actor who will be missed.

Richard Pryor's gone, but his spirit's living on and on...

by Dope Slanger October 18, 2006

92👍 16👎

richard clarkson

Someone with auburn hair who frequently masturbates and and spreads the residue onto his pasty body.
It is also a famous sex position in which men try to fill a woman's holes while at the same time vomiting in each other's mouths. The men are preferably of German decent and are too of the auburn race. When finished it is customary to finish off the remaining vomit with a cool glass of beer while discussing the daily news and sport.

"They gave her a richard clarkson"

"What a richard clarkson"

"I finished in richard clarkson-esque fashion"

by funnyman23 September 23, 2009

166👍 35👎

richard perle

Saturnine associate of Beelzeebub who has his claws up the ass of a grinning airhead puppet by the name of Bush.

My name is Perle. Welcome to my web!

by Finney July 3, 2003

157👍 33👎