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right rester

A male whose penis rests to the right side of his pants while sitting or standing.

Look at Jacob, hes so dumb. I bet he's a "right rester."

C'mon, man. Don't be such a "right rester."

by Frankie69 November 19, 2013

right testicle

The one on the right. Because no one likes the Left one!

man my right testicle is itchy as hell.

by fuckretardsintheass! November 19, 2004

39๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Roller's Rights

Used when deciding who starts a joint. To have Roller's rights implies that you have the right to start the joint because you rolled it.

JR: "Hey who is starting this?"
Thomas: "I have Roller's Rights bitches!"

by Alicia McRae December 4, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Right in the puss

When someone is trying to do something and they do it exceptionally well.

Feddlesworth: "I'm going to try for a half court shot".
Bumthorpe: "Not a chance in hell!".
Feddlesworth: - Takes the shot. Scores -
Feddlesworth: "Boom. Right in the puss".
Bumthorp: "Again, and again, and again".

by Morkus Morkus August 11, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's right bitch

This phrase is spoken when someone has one up 'd another. Basically they won, were correct, or their team has destroyed yours.

Fan 1: My team is the best! Your team is going down!!

Fan 2: Ha no way. Your team sucks. Losers!

*Fan 1's team wins*

Fan 1: That's right bitch!

by Cashmars October 16, 2011

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Rollers Rights

The reserved right for the smoker that has rolled the product that is about to be smoked with a group of individuals. This right is reserved for the roller to spark up the product first, rollers rights can be given up upon request of another bro

Ex1- Dude: Dude, are we gonna smoke this shit up?
Bro: Yeah bro, let me just finish up rolling
Dude: Ok dude, but I call greens
Bro: Bro, I get to spark it because i rolled it, rollers rights bro

Ex2- Dude: That was a great rolled product dude lets light this other one you rolled
Bro: Ok bro, you can have greens this time, I pass up my rollers rights to you
Dude: Thanks dude

by Jointabalaballala July 31, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Right in the Childhood

What you say when you notice something on a kid's show or movie that has a sexual reference. This term is popular on many online internet meme websites.

Spongebob: Look Doubloons! *Holds out soap* Don't drop 'em!

Viewer: That hit me right in the childhood

by xHawkEyex December 5, 2012

29๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž