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runescape is a massively multiplayer online rpg (MMORPG) that sets the mood for a medeival time frame, and gives you skills to improve, quests to beat, etc. (i pretty much think you get the point). like everyone else has already stated, this game is very good at drawing you in, and noone knows why because the graphics are piss poor. Basically, a runescape is a game that has most people playing it, like diablo "did" (lolz), and draws you in the minute you get past the tutorial island. i only recommend this to people who have nothing else in there schedule and, overall, have absolutely NO LIFE. that is all... :)

"i dont know whats wrong; first, runescape, with its crappy graphics, just blows my mind, and then the red sox win the world series?!?!?!? PINCH ME PLEASE!"

by greg March 24, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


gay online game that geeks obsess over.
Runescape is also known as Nerd Heaven

hey bob! when youre done doing your homework this friday night, do you wanna play runescape!!!!

by doodisgayfag July 16, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A popular, Java-based MMORPG that generates a feeling of accomplishment in its victims through use of repetitive and boring tasks that require virtually no skill to complete. The game is entertaining at lower levels due to the apparent ease of "Levelling up" at said levels, any worthy "accomplishment" in the game requires a tremendous amount of time to complete, ranging from hundreds of hours to months. A great deal of enjoyment in the game is found through the completion of "Quests", ranging in difficulty from "novice", where the player is assigned a realitively mediocre task such as collecting (an) egg(s) for a chef, to "grandmaster", where the player is tasked with defeating an incredibly dangerous foe whose power often exceeds the power of the player themself. While social "interaction" plays a great deal of importance in the game, very little, if any of it is actually required to master all of the game's skills or even complete quests. While the game certainly is addicting, I highly reccomend it to any victim of World of Warcraft, Minecraft, or any other Java-based online game. While you will most likely become addicted to RuneScape, it will alleviate your addiction to almost any other game, or any other process at all. If your looking to quit, PM me, Unknown0064 and I will gladly take any items/money you no longer require off of your hands.

"All my friends play Minecraft, but I play RuneScape"

"Wow! Even though I have never before experienced boredom of such an intensity, I cannot stop playing this game!"

by Unknown0064 May 2, 2012

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most basis of mmorpgs, the standard on which other mmorpgs are generally compared too, whether or not you need to pay for it. Runescape has fairly good graphics for a game not required to pay to play. It is also set apart from other mmorpgs i nthe fact that it doesn't take up the entire screen to play. for your dollar, runescape is about the best game to buy. for $0 a month you get a vairity of skills and items. For a nominal fee of $5 a month (which you can cancel at any time and gives 34 days of membership) you get triple the amount area of land to explore and about more than twice the amount of monsters to slay, not to mention the long and intricate quests the company Jagax spends much hard work to complete. Also, most of the regular updates of the game are members only. What generally is accepted is that Runescape 2 is way better than Runescape classic, save for about 200 people who prefer the older version.

Runescape, that noob game?
No, the graphics here are way better than Runescape
Not as many quests as Runescape
Runescape Pwnz!!

by yoto32, yes i do play this game November 4, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Very Decent and addicting Game, Although It Lacks In Graphics It Makes Up For Them In Gameplay With Over 20 Skills! You Can Fish , Wood Cut , Fletch , and so much more! If Skills aren't your thing there's always combat! You can Fight Via Ranged Mage and Melee! There's Always Somehing to do in runescape!

Person A: Dude I Just Got 88 Craft On Runescape!
Person B: Wow No WAY!! Mines only 63!

by Bewaffled1 November 10, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


An awful MMORPG where you pay $60 a year for GRAPHICS! Why do you people throw your money down the drain?? It's addicting, too, but somehow I got pissed off at the game and left the game for a few months, so now I don't play it anymore.

Boy: Dad, can I become a member on RS?
Dad: First of all, what the hell is RS, and how much is it?
Boy: RS is, Runescape, the best MMORPG in the world, and it costs $5 a month. If I become a member, I will PWN!
Dad: *thinks to himself* "So that's why you are always in your room, getting fatter every day." Son, I have to say no. I won't waste $60 a year on some extra graphics on a game just so you can show off. I advise you to quit the game, because you don't get exercise while you are glued to the PC. Why don't you go outside?
Son: Aww, man! Well Dad, since I can't get what I want, I'll just go kill some goblins on RS to wear off my resentment to you.

by Liz W. November 17, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


In short, it's just like crack, but much more addictive.

Friend: "Hey man you wanna play runescape tonight?"

Me: "Nah man you wild. Pass me the pipe, let's do some crack instead. "

by BandosChestPlate December 27, 2019