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a strong or exaggerated sense of masculinity stressing attributes such as courage, virility and aggressiveness.

SAC MARS, the actor

by Anonymous August 12, 2003

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dyke sac

(n) a lesbian who doenst wear any other clothes but the same ones every day

(n) lauren gallagher

(v)to be like lauren gallagher

-the dyke sac roamed the halls, and everyone of the female species ran away

- lauren gallagher sucked a dick even though she doesnt like that

-the girl said to the boy "dont be pullin a lauren gallagher on me now!"

by sally testrus February 18, 2009

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double sac

an honorary title given to the leader or most brave of group, also used for a person with a very loud voice and, very delicious yelling ability

Double Sac screamed double shot with complete disdain for the sleeping neighbor catwoman.

by mcnasty nuts December 7, 2006

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Sac fro

The unruly amount of hair surrounding a man's pubic area; an afro of pubic hair.

"I really need to do some manscaping or I'm going to have a sac fro."

by That's so January 17, 2012

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sac drift

A phenomenon where the skin of the scrotum slowly crawls or "drifts" around the balls while the subject is at rest. Happens unconsciously to every man, but is more pronounced in high heat.

I just noticed my sac drift for the first time today, it looked like some kind of nasty alien shit.

by csihar August 14, 2010

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What you claim to have done after banging a chick really hard. So hard that it feels like you beat her with a potato sac.

Hey Bill, i gave this slut the potato-sac so hard last night that i had ruptured some capillaries on the head of my penis.

by raemond December 31, 2005

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Ball-Sac Polisher

β€œBall-Sac Polisher” (or β€œBSP”) is both a noun and verb: it refers to a man who worships a scratch golfer or blue-blood regardless of his character; as well as his actions. The BSP will seek the opinion of the most clueless scratch player or blue-blood over that of an imminent authority on any subject at all including engineering, science, medicine and astrophysics; he will buy unlimited drink and food for a scratch player or blue-blood in return for no more than an acknowledgement of existence, smile, nod or look of approval, without any expectation or possibility of reciprocation. A BSP is akin to a lapdog, sidekick, chump or loser.

BSP is a term of art coined in the 1990’s by a doctor in Troy, NY, who noticed that many newly admitted public employment and other working class members to the city’s country club (admitted when the economy caused the once exclusive country club to essentially be a quasi-public course) would do anything just to obtain the slightest acknowledgment or glance of approval from a scratch player or long-standing blue-blood member. Scratch players and blue-bloods at The CC of Troy have accepted the adoration and offerings of the BSP so eagerly that their symbiotic relationship has established the prevalent culture at that club, and a precedent for many others, which exists to this day.

"Johnny is such a ball-sac polisher."

"Here comes Phil, followed by his entourage of obsequious BSPs."

"John wouldn't be such a bad guy if he wasn't always ball-sac polishing that untalented hack.

by Hip Eponymous January 14, 2015

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