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Sneak Sex

To sneakily rape or fuck a butt like a ninja or in a quick jump on top method (both will work).

He waited for his time to strike sitting in the bushes just watching as andre walked outside to get the mail. Then out of nowhere kakaw!! Sneak Sex was applied on Andre's asshole.

by chick fight September 6, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sneak attack

When you're waiting for a guy to kiss you, then you turn around to say something but the guy kisses you instead.

I went to tell him a story, but he pulled a sneak attack and ended up having sex.

by Jdiz November 7, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

sneak eye

When a guy is checking out a girl who is legitimately of age and beautiful, without her even knowing they are looking at her. Being a little bit of a creeper, but it's cool cause she's old enough.

My buddy and I were giving the Brazilian girl the sneak eye when she was showing off her tattoos and she didn't have a clue.

by bigdust13 January 13, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sneak peek

Meeting your crush in a party and imagine how would it be the movie with her.

Without taking eyes out of her.

Trying to say many things but words can't come out. Wanting to ask many questions but mind is in blank just feeling her presence. Needing to hug her but body is stucked. Trying to act mature but silliness comes out as weird situations. Craving for her kiss.

TINO: I like the sneak peek of the next chapter.

by Ayuryari November 28, 2021

14๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sneak peek

When I said her is a him....
That why I don't like this sneak peak game...
So many confusions...

In real life, if one day we make it, this doesn't happen...

No more sneak peeks tomorrow... it's not healthy and need Much sleep and concentration... be centered

by Ayuryari November 28, 2021

15๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

sneak play

To sneak play

The art of playing video games while grounded or not being allowed, usually in the early hours of the morning.

James: Did you hear Lei got caught sneak playing?
Justin: Yeah, he was supposed to be revising but then came on at 2am to play R6 and you know how asian parents are..
Jack: I heard his mum come him to beat him over teamspeak.

by kingkong32 April 23, 2018

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sneak wank

When someone is in a call with someone (I.e. Skype or Teamspeak) and then they start wanking off and talking to them at the same time, without making any noise.

A: Did you know that most of the times we talk I'm sneak wanking?
B: Tmi , didn't need to know that bro.

by Joel6909 February 5, 2017

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