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When you fart so bad that you feel like you want to die

Dude that stink-bomb earlier was knarly

by Atomic booty cough November 15, 2018

1👍 1👎

Stink Tent

The pocket of stench that occurs when the back of your shirt hangs over the shitter.

"Man that Chinese food I ate for lunch left me with a nasty stink tent all day."

by beerwick March 11, 2009

Stink Kink

Subgenre of pornography that is synonymous with "scat" or "brown" porn.

Change the channel Mike is always leaving his stink kink playing on the television.

by MRad55 November 28, 2015

stink sex

Where the sex is so funky but it feels so good..

“Look at Julian and Christina.. They having stink sex in the room.. Damn.. Her yellow ass cheeks look like it stank”

by CheddarCheekzz March 17, 2018

Stink locker

A woman’s dirty, sweaty, smelly asshole

I tongue punched Katie’s stink locker before I fucked it last night

by JaLaCo February 27, 2020

Stink Ass

Someone who farts while they take steps

look at that Stink Ass

by Nadyln October 28, 2022

Stink Rifle

Is when you do anal to your partner and bust your chocolate'd member over their splayed body. The member ejaculating the creamy goodness is in essence stinky and acts as either a rifle or a machine gun.

Guy1: You hit it yet?

Guy2: Yeah, I hit it. I gave her the stink rifle to boot. She's into that kinky type shiz.

by Dan Pomeroy March 29, 2010